- She is still of tender age and much too young to get engaged. 她还未成年,离订婚年纪还太远。
- His interest in music started while he was still of tender age. 他在童年时就开始对音乐产生兴趣。
- She is still of tender age and much to young to get engaged. 她还未成年,离订婚年纪还太远。
- Where several culprits are implicated in the same offence, they should be examined in such a way as to begin with the one who appears to be more timid than the others, and of tender age. 当几名罪犯与同一桩案子有牵连时,对他们的审讯应从其中胆小怕事者和年幼者开始。
- He left home at the tender age of 15. 他15岁离家,还少不更事。
- At the tender age of seventeen I left home. 早在十七岁的小小年纪,我就离开了家。
- There are lots of tender blossoms in the garden. 花园里尽是娇嫩的花朵。
- Pomposity was a feature of Mark from a very tender age. 马克在幼年时就表现得很没有礼貌。
- Here is our Submission of Tender. 这是我们公司的投标书。
- We were sent to boarding school at a tender age. 很小的时候我们就被送到了寄宿学校。
- When shall we send to you our Submission of Tender? 本公司在什么时候把投标送交贵公司?
- She lost her parents at a tender age. 她幼年时期就没了爹妈。
- He had been deserted by his mother at a tender age and brought to this country by his grandparents. 他很小的时候就被母亲遗弃了,是他的祖父母把他带到这个国家的。
- We shall get a complete set of tender documents for you. 我们会给你方一整套投标文件。
- After all, she does drool over CNBC at a tender age of 6 months. 毕竟在小小的6个月时,佳佳就已经迷上了美国最流行的财经电视台CNBC。
- She is full of tenderness of affection. 她很多情。
- She shouldn't be having to deal with problems like this at such a tender age. 她小小年纪涉世未深,实在无须处理这样的问题。
- He was a good man, full of tenderness for everyone. 他是个好人,对任何人都充满了善心。
- His daughter protected me.But that was only because of my tender age. 他的女儿一直保护着我,但这仅仅是因为我年幼而已。
- Million in July of tenderness, I read away! 柔情万千的七月,我遥念着!