- The cyclamen in good quality is graceful in style, bright and beautiful in color, artistic in stem, and it is of the medium height and of long duration of flower. 摘要仙客来的花姿优美,花色艳丽,株型美观,高低适中,花期长,为国际花卉市场主要盆栽观赏花卉之一。
- As I see it, the poor state of balance sheets in households, banks and many companies augurs a “structural slump” of long duration. 依我看来,家庭、银行和许多公司糟糕的资产负债表,正预示着一轮长久的“结构性衰退”。
- Environmental injury, by its nature, can seldom be adequately remedied by money damages and is often permanent or at least of long duration, i.e., irreparable. 环境的破坏,实质上,很难用损害赔偿金弥补。 环境的破坏常常是永久性的,或者至少有很长一段时间难以恢复。
- Echoing the discussion in Chapter III, one noticeable feature is the relative underdevelopment of corporate bond markets, including securities of long duration. 对应第三章的阐述,一个明显的特点是,各种公司债券市场都相对地欠发达,包括各种长期间的证券。
- In light of the properties of corrosion and requirement for anti-corrosion, it's recommended that cathodic protection be used in key parts of bottom to ensure protection of long duration. 根据沿海地区油罐的腐蚀特点和防腐要求,提出对油罐腐蚀的重点部位罐底板应采取阴极保护措施,保证油罐的长效防腐。
- On the other hand, however, it is preferable to have gating pulses of longer duration from the anti-interference point of view. 文中介绍了两种低频实验模型,其中分别采用矩形及三角形脉冲作为选通脉冲。
- The treaty was the result of long negotiation. 这项条约是长时间谈判的结果。
- of illness; developing slowly or of long duration. 指疾病;发展慢或者持续时间长。
- A large population-based cross-sectional study of longer duration may better reflect long-term effect of this antioxidant on pulmonary function in COPD patients. 更长的期间的一次大根据人口的代表性研究在肺作用也许更好反射这抗氧剂的长期作用在COPD患者。
- Her opposition to the plan is of long standing. 她对这一计划的反对是旷日持久的。
- They grow cotton of long staple. 他们种植长纤维棉花。
- The Experience of Long Duration Left Heart Assistance 长时间左心辅助循环成功经验探讨
- This is a firm of long standing. 这是一家历史悠久的商号。
- Type 2 diabetes of longer duration 2型糖尿病病程
- The agreement was the result of long negotiations. 这项协定是长期谈判的结果。
- Cellophane is made of long, fibrous molecules. 玻璃纸系由长形纤维分子组成。
- We are now on our last lap of long journey. 我们现在已经到漫长旅途的最后一段了。
- Arcane Bindings it has a longer duration. 秘法不动咒进阶版。持续时间较长。
- Pasta in the form of long, flat, thin strands. 宽面条扁平、细长的意大利面条
- This is an evil of long standing. 这弊端由来已久。