- oeologiead eduction 生态学教育
- Yes,I respect him because he is serious about eduction. 是的,我尊敬他是因为他对教育很认真。
- How is ability faster more effective eduction body endotoxin? 怎样才能更快更有效的排出体内毒素?
- To study his eduction thoughts can fill the blank in our country. 对他的研究可弥补我国在这个方面研究的空白。
- Water more, much micturition, make fire be able to eduction. 多饮水,多排尿,使火得以排出。
- Dietary Supplement Health and Eduction Act(DSHEA), 1994 in U.S.A. 中华人民共和国卫生部:保健食品管理办法.;1996
- Conversely, criterion uric Potassium eduction decreases. 反之,则尿钾排出减少。
- Can recuperate oily skin, expedite pore lets grease eduction. 能调理油性肌肤,畅通毛孔让油脂排出。
- In soup of drinkable kelp gram, toxin is natural as relieve oneself eduction. 间中饮用海带绿豆汤,毒素自然随着大小便排出。
- Metabolization child is not had fall candy action, main from kidney eduction. 代谢产物无降糖作用,主要从肾排出。
- There is the effect that accelerates galactic eduction in lactation. 在哺乳期有促进乳汁排出的作用。
- Actually, he didn't receive the normal eduction before 20 years age. 说实在话,他二十年前没能接受到正规学校教育。
- Perspire on the skin can you come to the dirty stuff eduction in wool stoma? 皮肤上出汗能不能把毛细孔里的脏东西排出来?
- Evolutional logic leads to excessive competition in the realm of educ ation;3. 二是进化论逻辑导致了教育领域的过度竞争;
- Vegetable must want to eat, it can offer enough cellulose and vitamin C, redundant to eduction adipose it is helpful. 蔬菜必须要吃,它可以提供足够纤维素和维生素C,对于排出多余脂肪是有帮助的。
- This paper aims at to solve the problem of spiritual eduction on the view of economic condition. 要解决贫困生的问题,构建和谐校园,不仅需要在经济上帮助贫困生,还必须对大学生进行普遍的贫富观教育。
- These results are valuable for reasonably determining the radon eduction rate in remedial action on decommissioned uranium mine. 其结果对铀矿山退役治理中氡析出率的合理确定具有一定的参考价值。
- The writer describes eduction as a process of "perception, analysis and discovery" . 作者把教育描述为一种“感知、分析与发现”的过程。
- Flu virus can come on along with infection the excrement and urine of birds pollutes birdhouse with rhinal secretion eduction, basket, mat makings. 流感病毒可以随感染发病禽的粪便和鼻腔分泌物排出而污染禽舍、笼具、垫料等。
- This tasting have chloric eduction of slow and abiding diuresis and hurried natrium Potassium and the effect that reduce blood sugar. 本品有缓慢而持久的利尿及促钠钾氯排出和降低血糖的作用。