- She gives us a living example of sanctity. 她给我们树立了一个圣洁的活榜样。
- My room is filled with the odor of roses. 我的房间里充满了玫瑰花的香味。
- He exhaled the pungent odor of garlic. 他散发出刺鼻的大蒜味。
- The kitchen was filled with the warm, fragrant odor of her baking. 厨房里弥漫著热呼呼的烘烤香味。
- There was an air of sanctity in the old church. 这所古老的教堂内有一种神圣的气氛。
- She carried the odour of sanctity about her. 她有圣人之誉。
- The odor of frying onions permeated the air. 空气中弥漫着炒洋葱的味道。
- I would mind her extreme views less if she didn't always express them with such an odour of sanctity. 如果她不总是一本正经地表达自己那些过激的观点,我是不会太在意的。
- Temples have an air of sanctity. 寺庙有一种神圣的氛围。
- She detected the odor of gas in the room. 她闻到房里有煤气味。
- odor of sanctity 圣人之誉;圣洁的声誉
- An odor of sadness permeated the gathering. 一种弥漫在人群中的悲伤的气息
- The odor of souls is a brace to the walls. 灵魂的气息是这些砖墙的支柱。
- Of, relating to, or having the odor of musk. 麝香味的麝香味的、有关麝香味的或有麝香味的
- The butter has an odor of cheese about it. 奶油的周围飘荡着干酪的味道。
- The penetrating odor of garlic soon filled the entire apartment. 大蒜刺鼻的气味很快就弥散了整个屋子
- The odor of cheap perfume is penetrating. 劣质香水的味道太冲了。
- Honeysuckle was the saddest odor of all, I think. 忍冬是所有的香味中最最悲哀的一种了,我想。
- The fields give forth an odor of spring. 田野散发出春天的气息。
- I find the odor of hay especially pleasing. 我觉得干草的清香格外宜人。