- odermal mesenchyme 中胚层间质
- Blood island, reticular cells and scattered CD34+ cells were found in the mesenchyme of placenta chorionic villi. 胎盘绒毛膜间质中可见到造血岛、网状细胞及散在分布的CD34+细胞。
- Mesenchyme -- embryonic c.t. with multipotential cells.The stellate cells are beginning to form fibers. 间充质---胚胎时期结缔组织,含有多种分化潜能的细胞这种星形细胞可合成纤维。
- Thus, it seems embryonic mesenchyme can be replaced with adult stem cells to generate new teeth. 因此,成年干细胞似乎可以取代胚胎间质,来生成新牙齿。
- There were lots of tryptase-positive mast cells in the mesenchyme of the human carcinoma tissue of esophagus. 人食道癌间质中可见多量类胰蛋白酶阳性细胞。
- AY245441 was absent in both the epithelium and mesenchyme of normal posterior palate and cleft palate at GD14. 在GD14腭裂后部上皮细胞和间充质细胞中均无表达。
- Second pharyngeal arch mesenchyme is thus competent to form teeth if provided with the correct signals. 因此如果给予正确的信号,第二腮弓的间充质有形成牙的能力。
- It is derived from the dermis mesenchyme, located at the base of the hair follicle. 它来源于真皮的间叶细胞,位于毛囊的基部。
- Mesenchyme proliferates into eleations at the margins of these placodes, the sides of which are called the medial and lateral nasal prominences. 在内、外侧鼻隆起的周围有间叶组织细胞增殖使嗅板凹陷形成鼻窝。
- Morphology of a Simple Sponge. (a) In this example, pinacocytes form the outer body wall, and mesenchyme cells and spicules are in the mesohyl. 由于鞭毛摆动引起水流通过海绵体,获得食物颗粒和氧。
- All ectodermal organs, e.g. hair, teeth, and many exocrine glands, originate from two adjacent tissue layers: the epithelium and the mesenchyme. 所有外胚层器官,例如毛发,牙齿以及一些外分泌腺,均来源于相互邻结接的两层组织:上皮层和间充质层。
- When stem cells from adult bone marrow took the place of oral mesenchyme, for example, the transplanted constructs produced structurally correct teeth. 举例来说,如果以成年骨髓的干细胞取代口腔间质,移植体就会制造出构造正确的牙齿。
- Similar sequential and reciprocal interactions between the epithelium and mesenchyme regulate the early steps of development in all ectodermal organs. 上皮-间充质间相互作用在所有的外胚层来源的器官的发育早期均起到重要的调节作用。
- Some of the same epithelial signals that trigger initiation of odontogenesis also regulate an important category of genes in the jaw mesenchyme. 这些诱发牙生成的上皮讯号中,有些同时也会调节颌间质的一组重要基因;
- Methods Use epidemic antibody and mesenchyme antibody to mark the cell of spindle cell carcinoma,to observe their immunological character. 方法应用上皮性抗体和间叶性抗体标记喉梭型细胞癌细胞成分,观察其免疫学特性。
- Hepatocyte growth factor(HGF) is a kind of multifunctional cell factor,deriving from mesenchyme,which has an important protective effect in cardiovascular system. 肝细胞生长因子(HGF)是一种间质来源的多功能的细胞因子,对心血管系统有重要的保护作用。
- As the epithelium penetrates farther, it wraps itself around the condensing mesenchyme, eventually forming a bell-shaped structure, open at its bottom, around 14 weeks. 上皮越往下深入时,就会包围住聚集的间质组织,最后在约14周时,形成一个底部有开口的钟形构造。
- In animal experiments, causing Barx1 to be misexpressed in mesenchyme that would normally form incisors makes those teeth develop with a molar shape instead. 动物实验发现,让Barx1在通常会长出门齿的间质中表现,这些牙齿就会发育成臼齿的形状。
- Mesenchyme -- embryonic c.t. with multipotential cells. The stellate cells are beginning to form fibers. Sometimes cells are more spindle shaped. Ground substance material is watery and invisible. 间充质---胚胎时期结缔组织,含有多种分化潜能的细胞这种星形细胞可合成纤维。有时细胞成梭形。基质成分呈水样不可见。
- Sponges have an irregular, asymmetrical body architecture; there are two cell layers separated by a gelatinous mesenchyme containing amoeboid cells and skeletal spicules and fibers. 海绵动物有不规则、不对称的体制;二层细胞是由中间的凝胶状的间叶细胞分开,内含有变形细胞(阿米巴细胞)、骨针和纤维。