- odd line interlacing 奇数行扫描
- odd line interlace 奇数行隔行
- In scanning, the technique of using more than one vertical scan to reproduce a complete image. In television, 2:1 interlace is used, giving two vertical scans(fields) per frame; one field scans odd lines, and one field scans the even lines of the frame. 利用多次垂直扫描来重显一幅完整图象的扫描技术。电视中使用2:1的交错率,即每帧分两场,垂直扫描两次,一场扫描奇数行,另一场扫描偶数行。
- It is an odd line of attack;Mr Purnell has forsaken a cabinet job and possibly imperilled a gilded future by making this move (although he may hope to be back in office under a new leader very soon). 珀内尔这这种进攻路线不可思议:他放弃内阁职务并很可能因此举毁掉大好前程(尽管他可能希望在新领袖的领导下重返仕途)。
- The type of intensity alternation(whether the even or the odd lines are strong)is determined by another important nuclear property. 强度更迭的类型(偶数谱线强还是奇数谱线强)取决于另一个重要的原子核性质。
- In television, 2:1 interlace is used, giving two vertical scans(fields) per frame; one field scans odd lines, and one field scans the even lines of the frame. 电视中使用2:1的交错率,即每帧分两场,垂直扫描两次,一场扫描奇数行,另一场扫描偶数行。
- Note : The odd lines represent the nucleotide sequence similarity ; The even lines represent the amino acid sequence similarity. 注:奇数行表示核苷酸序列的同源性;偶数行表示氨基酸序列的同源性。
- The poems begin with a rhymed couplet whose rhyme is repeated in all subsequent even lines, while the odd lines are unrhymed. 厄札尔有两种主要形式:一种是希贾兹的厄札尔;
- Also there is the interlace artifact where the object moves in the 1/60th of a second between the odd lines being scanned and the even lines being scanned. 也有物体搬进1/被扫描的奇数的线和平坦的线之间的秒中的第60被扫描的间条人工品。
- In scanning, the technique of using more than one vertical scan to reproduce a complete image. In television, 2:1 interlace is used, giving two vertical scans (fields) per frame; one field scans odd lines, and one field scans the even lines of the frame. 利用多次垂直扫描来重显一幅完整图象的扫描技术。电视中使用2:1的交错率,即每帧分两场,垂直扫描两次,一场扫描奇数行,另一场扫描偶数行。
- But what of the argument that with 1080 line interlaced video there is only 540 lines of video being displayed on the screen at any given time? 但是什麽争论与被使交织录影带的1080条行只有被给时间的影像在任何在萤幕上被显示的540条线?
- How odd they have gone through the eccentric thing! 他们经历了多么离奇古怪的事!
- He does odd jobs for me from time to time. 他有时给我干点零活。
- In scanning, the technique of using more than one vertical scan to reproduce a complete image. In television,2: 1 interlace is used, giving two vertical scans(fields) per frame; one field scans odd lines, and one field scans the even lines of the frame. 利用多次垂直扫描来重显一幅完整图象的扫描技术。电视中使用2:1的交错率,即每帧分两场,垂直扫描两次,一场扫描奇数行,另一场扫描偶数行。
- He does the odd job for me from time to time. 他偶尔来为我做些零碎的工作。
- The vertical line meets the horizontal one here. 垂直线与水平线在此相交。
- It's very odd that she didn't reply to our letter. 她没有回我们的信是件很奇怪的事。
- One line cuts another at right angles. 一条线与另一条线成直角相交。
- She went a bit odd and had to be put away. 她有点不正常,只好送进了疯人院。
- The printers have missed out a whole line here. 排版工人在这里漏掉了一整行。