- Among the poor peasants some own part of their land and have a few odd farm implements,others own no land at all but only a few odd farm implements. 贫农有些占有一部分土地和不完全的工具;有些全无土地,只有一些不完全的工具。
- Among the poor peasants some own part of their land and have a few odd farm implements, others own no land at all but only a few odd farm implements. 贫农有些占有一部分土地和不完全的工具;有些全无土地,只有一些不完全的工具。
- odd farm implements 不完全的工具
- That store deals in farm implements. 该店经营农具。
- They ordered quantities of farm implements. 他们订购了大量农具。
- Plows and threshing machines are farm implements. 梨和打谷机都是农具。
- The farmers set up a farm implement repair shop. 农民们创办了一个农具修理厂。
- One category has comparatively adequate farm implements and some funds. 一部分贫农有比较充足的农具和相当数量的资金。
- A farm implement consisting of a heavy frame with sharp teeth or upright disks, used to break up and even off plowed ground. 耙一种由一个沉重的框架和尖齿或垂直向上的耙片构成的用于打碎并摊平犁过的泥土的农具
- The most significant fields are tobacco, paper, wolfram, camphor, farm implements and fertilizers (such as lime). 这里重要的是烟、纸、钨砂、樟脑、农具和肥料(石灰等)。
- The most significant fields are tobacco,paper,wolfram,camphor,farm implements and fertilizers (such as lime). 重要的领域包括烟、纸、钨砂、樟脑、农具和肥料(石灰等)。
- Having neither land,farm implements nor funds,they can live only by selling their labour power. 此等雇农不仅无土地,无农具,又无丝毫资金,只得营工度日。
- A farm implement consisting of a heavy blade at the end of a beam, usually hitched to a draft team or motor vehicle and used for breaking up soil and cutting furrows in preparation for sowing. 犁一种农具,由在一根横梁端部的厚重的刃构成,通常系在一组牵引它的牲畜或机动车上,用来破碎土块并耕出槽沟从而为播种做好准备
- He was a lovable man, a dealer in farm implements, with a lively trade in bicycles. 我的父亲是个和蔼可亲的人,是个农具商,另外也做自行车生意,买卖相当兴旺。
- Having neither land, farm implements nor funds, they can live only by selling their labour power. 此等雇农不仅无土地,无农具,又无丝毫资金,只得营工度日。
- In the handicraft industries the production of farm implements and lime is being restored, and we are beginning to restore wolfram production. 手工业方面,农具和石灰的生产在恢复过程中,钨砂的生产开始恢复。
- Rakes, ploughs, hoes and spades are simple farming implements. 耙、犁、锄、铲是简单的农具。
- Rakes,ploughs,hoes and spades are simple farming implements. 耙、犁、锄、铲是简单 的农具.
- Rakes,ploughs,hoesspades are simple farming implements. 耙、犁、锄、铲是简单的农具.
- In the handicraft industries the production of farm implements and lime is being restored,and we are beginning to restore wolfram production. 手工业方面,农具和石灰的生产在恢复过程中,钨砂的生产开始恢复。