- Conclusions The major manifestion of ocular posterior segment syphilis is chorioretinitis. 结论 梅毒在眼后段的主要表现是脉络膜视网膜炎;
- ocular posterior segment 眼后段
- The posterior segment of the body in arthropods. 节肢动物身体的后面部分
- Hepatic ultrasonography revealed a12 cm heterogeneous hepatic tumor with septa formation over posterior segment. 肝脏超音波显示在肝脏右后节叶有一个12公分大,并带有隔膜的异回音波肿瘤。
- Objective To evaluate the treatment of severe ocular injuries of anterior and posterior segments with temporary keratoprosthesis used in combined operations. 目的评价临时人工角膜下眼前后段联合手术对严重眼外伤病变的治疗价值。
- Hepatic ultrasonography revealed a 12 cm heterogeneous hepatic tumor with septa formation over posterior segment. 肝脏超音波显示在肝脏右后节叶有一个12公分大,并带有隔膜的异回音波肿瘤。
- Objective To evaluate the clinical effect of vitrectomy for intraocular foreign bodies in posterior segment. 目的探讨玻璃体切除术摘出后段眼内异物的效果和意义。
- Objective To explore the therapeutic effect of vitrectomy for posterior segment intraocular foreign bodies. 目的探讨显微玻璃体手术治疗眼后段眼内异物的疗效。
- Objective To investigate the efficiency of vitrectomy for posterior segment intraocular foreign bodies and retinal detachment. 摘要目的探讨玻璃体切除术治疗眼后段眼内异物及视网膜脱离的效果。
- Posterior segment changes include ascular engorgement or central retinal ein occlusion, which eentually leads to permanent loss of isual acuity. 后段的变化包括:血管充血或视网膜中央静脉闭塞,甚至导致永久性的视力丧失。
- The surgical techniques and advanttages of using binocular indirect ophthalmoscope in posterior segment vitreos surgery arc presented in this paper. 本文介绍了在双目间接检眼镜直视下进行后段玻璃体手术的操作方法及其优点。
- Methods 15 patients who had severe anterior and posterior segment disorder were investigated retrospectively to obtain the principles of treatment. 方法回顾性分析了15例(15眼)伴有严重眼前后段损伤眼的眼前段紊乱处理方法。
- In the posterior segment, its dorsoventral axis was the longest, and could be divided into two parts: the dorsal and the ventral parts. 后段的背腹径最长,可分为背侧部和腹侧部,两部分的细胞分界清晰。
- In the Pth, its caudal region is larger than its rostral region, and the posterior segment in the caudal region is divided into the dorsal and the ventral cell populations. 加厚区的尾侧端比吻侧端大,且尾端的后段分离成背侧和腹侧两个细胞群。
- A high resolution computed tomography of the chest showed multiple nodular infiltrations at the posterior segment of the right upper lobe with a thick-walled cavitary lesion. 肺部高分辨率计算机断层发现在右上肺叶的后肺小叶有许多节结状浸润,且有厚壁空洞状的病灶。
- The thrombus in the certain segment of IVC would distend its lumen.The HCC located or involved the posterior segment of right hepatic lobe is prone to have IVCT. HCC位于或侵及肝右叶后段者易造成IVCT,HCC的大小,愈大者似乎愈易出现IVCT。
- In the posterior segment, its dorsoventral axis was the longest, and could be divided into two parts: the dorsal and the ventral parts.The boundary of the two parts was clear. 后段的背腹径最长,可分为背侧部和腹侧部,两部分的细胞分界清晰。
- Preexisting posterior segment lesions limited the ultimate improvement in visual acuity, hut visual acuity of most patients had improved postoperatively. 虽然原先视网膜的状况限制了视力的进步,但大多数的病人,术后的视力都得到改善。
- A42- year-old Chinese male was found to have a cystic lesion of3 cm over posterior segment of right hepatic lobe one year ago and presented with fever and hepatomegaly on this admission. 摘要我们报告一个42岁中国男性病例,该病人一年前在肝脏右后节叶有一个3公分大的囊样病灶之病史,此次住院呈现发烧及肝脏肿大。
- This may indicate that after electroejaculation, the sperms accumulate in the posterior segment of vas deferens and the opening of the seminal vesicle just before they ejaculated out. 而且在贮精囊问口处亦有部份死亡精虫聚集,其数目亦明显高于正常大白鼠之贮精囊开口处,这显示电激后精虫聚集在贮精囊开口再排出是最可能的反应机转。