- A lunar occultation of a quasar. 类星体的月星掩测定
- By means of satellite telecommunication. 通过通讯卫星。
- It refers to the usage of satellite network. 并对卫星网络的使用进行了阐述。
- occultation of satellite 掩卫星
- A number of satellites are now circling the earth. 一些人造卫星现在正环绕地球飞行。
- The tentacles of satellite television are spreading even wider. 卫星电视的影响正日益扩大。
- Toward a new generation of satellite surface products? 新一代的卫星地面产品是什么?
- Special Collections of the Image Ads of Satellite TV Channels. 卫视频道形象广告专集。
- The impact of satellite orbit parameters on the number and distribution of occultation events are discussed based on simulation. 而这些参数对一年掩星事件的经度分布影响都不大;
- Practical Implementation of Satellite Navigation Safety Assessment. 卫星导航安全评估的实际实施。
- They are linked to a varying number of satellite groups. 他们和一些数目多变的附属团体联系在一起。
- But only a day before, well placed observers could also watch a lunar occultation of Saturn as the planet passed behind the nearly Full Moon. 但就在月全食发生的前一天,当土星通过距离更近的满月后方时,位置较好的观测者还观看到了月球掠掩土星的景象。
- Here we report observations of an occultation of a star by the plume on 24 October 2007 that revealed four high-density gas jets superimposed on the background plume. 2007年10月,“卡西尼”的紫外成像光谱仪观测到该水蒸气柱对一颗遥远恒星所造成的掩星现象。
- Additional evidence indicated that a special occultation of Jupiter by the moon that occurred in the east in Aries on 17 April 6 BC signified the birth of a great Jewish king. 此外,迹象表明,通过月亮来对木星的特别计算,公元前6世纪4月17日的白羊座出现在东方,标志着伟大的犹太国王的诞生。
- The use of satellites represents a quantum leap for communications. 卫星的使用标志着传播技术的一个飞跃发展。
- The original coaxial cable that came with certain types of satellite dishes. 某些类型的碟形卫星天线所附带的早期同轴电缆。
- It will cause a considerable amount of satellite activities instead. 反而,这样只会造成大量的附属活动。
- India is ranked the sixth country in the world in terms of Satellite launches. 发射卫星印度排第六。
- Application of Satellite Based Augmentation System to Altitude Separation. 卫星增强系统对高度间隔的应用。
- Let me return briefly to the impact of satellite TV in Britain and Europe. 让我简单回顾一下卫星电视在英国和欧洲的影响。