- Keywords conformation;occluded foreign substance;microscopic structure; 形态;夹杂物;微观组织;
- occluded foreign substance 夹杂物
- To add a foreign substance to (cloth or wood, for example). 填加:给(例如布或木头)增加另外的物质。
- To add a foreign substance to(cloth or wood, for example). 填加给(例如布或木头)增加另外的物质
- The surface of nickel/plate should be smooth and neat without interlayer, crack, peeling, bubble and foreign substance. 带材/片材表面应光滑、清洁。不应有分层、裂纹、起皮、气泡和夹杂。
- Evaluating method of emerging occluded foreign nonmetallic substance in steel 钢中非金属夹杂物显微评定方法
- System , multi-level fliteration encrypt precise fliteration gradually , can have an effect to eliminate machinery foreign substance in oil. 精密的过滤系统,多级过滤逐渐加密,能有效除去油中的机械杂质。
- Soybean proteide fibre does not contain natural foreign substance , in general, does not is needless to cook white silk , may bleach directly. 大豆蛋白质纤维不含天然杂质,一般不用煮练,可直接漂白。
- When the body reacts to a foreign substance (known as an allergen, eg flower pollen), the mast cells stimulated by the allergen release their stores of histamine. 当机体在外来物质作用下发生反应时(过敏原,如花粉),肥大细胞在过敏原的刺激下会释放出组胺。
- Antigen: Foreign substance in the Body that induces an immune response. The antigen stimulates lymphocytes to produce antibodies or to attack the antigen directly (see antibody;immunity). 抗原:一种外来物质,当其进入体内时,能附着于淋巴球表面而引发特定免疫反应。淋巴球被活化后,能制造抗体或直接攻击抗原;此种能够引发免疫反应的抗原,我们称之为免疫原。
- Mustn't let metal or other foreign substances interfuse into the gunk. 切勿让金属或其他杂物混入料斗。
- Mustn’t let metal or other foreign substances interfuse into the gunk. 切勿让金属或其他杂物混入料斗。
- Foreign nationals were asked to leave the country. 外国侨民被要求离开该国。
- The trouble with cheap wine is that it may be contaminated with foreign substances. 廉价酒的麻烦在于它里面可能含有杂质。
- Allergy: Exaggerated reaction by the Body to foreign substances that are harmless to most people. 过敏:谓身体对外来物质(过敏原或抗原)之过敏性反应,如花粉、药物、灰尘和食物,这些物质对大部分人并不造成伤害。
- intra eyeball foreign substance location detector 眼球异物探测定位仪
- Jawed vertebrates have the ability to form specific antibodies in response to many foreign substances . 颌类脊椎动物有一种能产生特定抗体以此抵抗外来物质的能力。
- Antigens: Foreign substances (e.g. bacteria or viruses) in the body that are capable of causing disease. 抗原:是可引起疾病的外源性物质(即细菌或病毒)。
- treated or impregnated with a foreign substance. 经过处理或被注入外来物质。
- Specimen obscured by foreign substance 标本被异物掩盖