- Results Occipital condyle (OC) was an important sign and its long axis was 24. 结果枕骨髁为术中重要的解剖标志,枕骨髁长径,左侧24。
- The resection of occipital condylar and jugular tuber can increase surgical freedom. 枕髁和颈静脉结节的磨除可增加手术视野。
- Quantitative analyse of the far-laterai surgical approach via occipital condyle and jugular tuberculum 远外侧经枕髁经颈静脉结节手术入路的量化分析
- condyle The articulating, rounded surface of a bone, e.g. the occipital condyle is the surface of the skull articulating with the atlas vertebra. 骨髁一般骨骼在关节处形成的膨大部位,例如后头髁是连接脊椎骨与头盖骨的区域。
- Keywords suboccipital transcondylar approach;suboccipital triangle;occipital condyle;vertebral artery (VA);posterior inferior cerebellar artery (PICA); 枕下远外侧经髁入路;枕下三角;枕髁;椎动脉;小脑后下动脉;
- occipital condyle 枕(骨)髁; (昆虫)后头髁
- The occipital protuberance was well developed. 枕骨隆突明显突出。
- Moderately defined occipital protuberance. 耳根处略宽于眉毛的位置。
- Keywords Clivus;Far-lateral approach;Occipital condylar;Jugular tuberculum;Foramen magnum; 斜坡;远外侧入路;枕髁;颈静脉结节;枕骨大孔;
- Treatment of distal femoral fracture with dynamic condyle. 动力髁螺钉内固定治疗股骨远端骨折。
- Subdivide with a horizontal parting below the occipital. 在后头骨下面以水平线分别细分。
- The lower jaw can rotate as the fixpoint is condyle. 下颌能做以髁状突为定点的转动。
- Of fracture of the condyle inside humerus nurse groovy? 肱骨内髁骨折的护理常规?
- Keywords foramen magnum;occipital condylar;lesion;lower clivus;surgical approach;anatomy;quantification; 关键词枕大孔;枕髁;病变;下斜坡;手术入路;解剖学;量化;
- Extensive amount of bone contusion over the medial tibial condyle. 评论:1.;广泛的相当数量在中间胫骨髁的骨头挫伤。
- Chart 1.Cerebral contusion of right occipital lobe . 图1右枕叶脑挫裂伤。
- The occipital chakra also sustains the chi of the entire field in balance. 枕骨脉轮也维系着整个能量场气的平衡。
- Influence of inserting occlusal splints on the position of mandibular condyle. 咬合板高度对下颌髁突位置的影响。
- Forty-two children with fractures of the lateral humeral condyle were reviewed. 在本院十年间共有四十二例孩童肱骨远端外踝骨慑接受一年以上追踪检查。
- There is extensive subchondral marrow edema over the medial tibial condyle. 这些是在中间胫骨髁的广泛的软骨下的骨髓肿鼓。