- We can also understand the ups and downs of the spread of Catholicism in China from the circumstances of occidental religious paintings. 天主教在华传播的起起落落,也可以从西洋宗教画在华境遇中窥其一二。
- Occidental religious paintings, as something that can represent the doctrines of Catholicism directly, played an important role in the spread of Catholicism during the Ming and Qing dynasties. 摘要西洋宗教画作为一种能够直接表现天主教教义的物质载体,在明清之际的天主教在华传播过程中起到过很大的作用。
- Occidental religious paintings,as something that can represent the doctrines of Catholicism directly,played an important role in the spread of Catholicism during the Ming and Qing dynasties. 西洋宗教画作为一种能够直接表现天主教教义的物质载体,在明清之际的天主教在华传播过程中起到过很大的作用。
- Relationship between the spread of catholicism in the Ming and Qing dynasties and occidental religious paintings 明清之际天主教的传播与西洋宗教画的关系
- occidental religious paintings 西洋宗教画
- German-born artist in Switzerland and England noted for his portraits and religious paintings. 霍尔班,汉斯1497?-1543德裔艺术家,在瑞士及英国以其人物画和宗教画出名
- A luminous ring or disk of light surrounding the heads or bodies of sacred figures,such as saints,in religious paintings;a nimbus. 光环一种在宗教绘图中环绕在神圣者的身上或头上的光圈或光盘,如天使们头上的光环;神像头上的光轮
- A luminous ring or disk of light surrounding the heads or bodies of sacred figures, such as saints, in religious paintings; a nimbus. 光环:一种在宗教绘图中环绕在神圣者的身上或头上的光圈或光盘,如天使们头上的光环;神像头上的光轮。
- A luminous ring or disk of light surrounding the heads or bodies of sacred figures, such as saints, in religious paintings;a nimbus. 光环一种在宗教绘图中环绕在神圣者的身上或头上的光圈或光盘,如天使们头上的光环;神像头上的光轮
- In all religious paintings Dunhuang frescoes were undoubtedly the most classical and representative art works of profound significance. 而在所有的传统宗教壁画中,敦煌壁画是其中最为重要的部分和最为经典的代表。
- French painter whose landscapes and historical and religious paintings,such as Holy Family on the Steps(1648),are among the greatest examples of the classical style. 普珊,尼古拉斯1594-1665法国画家,其风景画及历史与宗教题材画,如楼梯上的神圣家族(1648年),是古典风格最伟大的作品之一。
- French painter whose landscapes and historical and religious paintings, such as Holy Family on the Steps(1648), are among the greatest examples of the classical style. 普珊,尼古拉斯1594-1665法国画家,其风景画及历史与宗教题材画,如楼梯上的神圣家族(1648年),是古典风格最伟大的作品之一
- Angels, cherubs and putti adorn some the world's most famous religious paintings and architecture, hovering in the air to witness the deeds of God and men. 在一些举世闻名的宗教建筑及画作中,都有天使、童天使以及丘比特点缀其中;他们盘旋于天际,见证着上帝与人类的所作所为。
- Angels, cherubs and putti (babies with wings) adorn some the world's most famous religious paintings and architecture, hovering in the air to witness the deeds of God and men. 天使,小天使,丘比特点缀着世界上最著名的宗教绘画和建筑。他们在空中盘旋,见证上帝和人类的一举一动。
- Painters, who had paid much attention to the religious paintings and the paintings with the source from noblemen for a long time, consciously based their paintings on civilian's life. 风俗绘画除了延续辅助皇权“成教化、助人伦”的戒鉴作用外,更体现了庶族地主和城市平民的生活愿望,迎合世俗的欣赏口味和心理要求,以愉悦心目、平淡天真的观赏倾向和情趣为重,显示出独有的文化活力和艺术功能。
- Modern paintings are not to my taste. 现代画不合我的口味。
- The Main Building displays pre-18th century paintings, including those by Veronese,[4]Rubens,[5]and Fragonard.[6]Many of these paintings are religious paintings featuring imagery from Christianity. 显示主楼前的18世纪的绘画作品,其中包括维罗纳,[4]鲁本斯,[5]和弗拉戈纳尔。[6]许多这些画是宗教画具有图像基督教。
- In the backdrop, the landscapes and atrocities of wars often seen in western religious paintings are a keen contradiction to the people piously praying in the front.Their belief looks so hopeless. 佛堂后景重迭起西方宗教画内常见的风景描绘,黄土石间宗教战火连连,前景藏人和民众的诚心歌颂反而显出信仰的愚昧。
- The image is composed in the manner of a traditional religious painting of The Visitation. 这个画面由传统的天降祸福为主题的古典画组成。
- religious paintings that edify the viewers 诲诱教化观众的宗教画