- A joint venture may in its business operation obtain fund from foreign bank directly. 合资企业在其经营活动中,可以直接向外国银行筹措资金。
- An equity joint venture may, in its business operations, obtain funds from foreign banks directly. 合营企业在其经营活动中,可直接向外国银行筹措资金。
- They can complement the IMF resources by using their substantial and already established market mechanism to raise funds from the market and recycle them. 它们可以运用本身规模大和成熟的市场机制,从市场筹集资金并让其继续流转,以补足基金组织的资源。
- Enresa obtains fund from inside the surtax of every kilowatt hour of electrovalency. Enresa从电价的每千瓦时附加税中获得资金。
- The program, called "Headspring of Angels," will raise funds from the public, said Liu Xuanguo, deputy secretary of the CRCF, at the launching ceremony. CRCF副秘书长刘宣国在开幕式上说,这个名为“天使之源泉”的活动将从公众中募集基金。
- Apart from capital contributions the adb raises funds from bond issues in the world's main capital markets. 除资本认额外,亚洲开发银行还在世界主要资本市场筹集基金和发行债券。
- Relevant laws and relevant provisions of the State Council shall be strictly adhered to in raising funds from peasants. 向农民筹集资金必须严格遵守有关法律和国务院的有关规定。
- Applying for Initial Public Offer (“IPO”) in Hong Kong is an efficient way to raise funds from the international finance market and thus has become a recent trend for private enterprises (“PEs”) in the Mainland. 国内民企通过在港上市融资从而进入国际融资市场是有效的途径,而且亦成为近年新趋势。
- The capital needed may be acquired through government and bank loans,the use of foreign capital,and raising funds from other channels. Labor force is even out of question. 要钱,可以通过政府发债、银行贷款、利用外资、民间集资等方式解决。要人,更是不成问题。
- Applying for Initial Public Offer ("IPO") in Hong Kong is an efficient way to raise funds from the international finance market and thus has become a recent trend for private enterprises ("PEs") in the Mainland. 国内民企通过在港上市融资从而进入国际融资市场是有效的途径,而且亦成为近年新趋势。
- The capital needed may be acquired through government and bank loans, the use of foreign capital, and raising funds from other channels. Labor force is even out of question. 要钱,可以通过政府发债、银行贷款、利用外资、民间集资等方式解决。要人,更是不成问题。
- Despite her poor health, in the spring of 1938 she raised funds from the Nanking Wartime Christian Relief Committee to give survivalist classes for the neediest refuges on campus. 尽管她自己的身体非常虚弱,但她早在1938年春就从南京国际救济委员会获得一笔基金,为需要继续在难民所避难的妇女开办了许多培训生活技能的班级。
- The WFP, which obtains funds from western donors such as the US, the European Union, Japan and Canada, says only 10 per cent of its needs in the region are funded. 世界粮食计划署表示,现有资金只能满足东非地区10%25的需求。该机构从美国、欧盟、日本和加拿大等西方援助国获得资金。
- Many developing countries could obtain funding from international financial institutions and regional and sub-regional development banks. Other development partners are also ready to participate in viable projects. 许多发展中国家可能获得来自国际金融机构、区域和次区域发展银行的支持。其他的发展伙伴也准备参与到可行的项目中。
- They are going to raise funds for the school buildings. 他们将为盖校舍筹集资金。
- Raise funds from targeted sources 定向募集
- The existing foundations shall be mobilized to play their roles in raising funds from both domestic and overseas sources. 发挥现有基金会在募集海外和社会资金投资奥运文化建设项目中的作用。
- Having agreed on the plan for building a new hotel, we began to raise funds. 在对兴建一家新饭店的计划取得一致意见之后,我们就着手筹集资金。
- Unable to get to town without a car; unable to obtain funds. 没有车就不能去镇上;不能获得资金。
- Cost share in secondary vocational edu cation is the investable condition of raising funds from various means and keeping the secondary vocational education to develop healthily. 中等职业教育实行成本分担是多渠道筹集教育经费,保证中等职业教育健康发展的充要条件。