- He tried to vision himself in a past century. 他假想自己身处百年之前。
- The car caused an obstruction to the traffic. 该汽车阻碍交通。
- obstruction to vision 视程障碍,能见度变坏
- Graff was not so amenable to Vision and Ideals as usual. 格拉夫不象往常那样顺从远见和理想。
- Make sure that there is no obstruction to driving operations. 请确保这不会妨碍驾驶。
- Partisan politics is often an obstruction to good government. 党羽的政治阴谋常是良好政府的阻碍。
- Graff was not so amenable to Vision and Ideals as usual . 格拉夫不象往常那样顺从远见和理想。
- Partisan politics is often an obstruction to good government. Office politics are often debilitating and counterproductive. 党羽的政治阴谋经常是良好政府的妨碍。公务上的政治争斗经常是带削弱性质和招致反效果的
- Next to vision in importance is tactile sensing or touching. 仅次于视觉重要性的是触觉。
- Opacity Degree of obstruction to transmission or reflection of light. 不透明度阻碍光线透过的程度。
- Movie brings the spree to vision, but the supremacy is an inescapable topic. 电影的音画给人类带来了视觉的狂欢,然而电影话语霸权却是不可不说的话题。
- Opacity: Degree of obstruction to transmission or reflection of light. 不透明度:阻碍光线透过的程度。
- The filibuster was a major obstruction to the success of their plan. 议事阻挠是他们的计划取得成功的主要障碍。
- We need someone with real vision to lead the party. 我们需要具有真知灼见的人来领导这个党。
- I said at a meeting held in Dazhai that a failing agriculture would be an obstruction to industrial development. 我在大寨会上说,农业搞不好就要拖工业的后腿。
- Adopted power save, shadow-less, flash-less ring-formed bright fluorescent tube has no bad effect to vision. 采用节能,无影,无闪烁环型光亮灯管,不会影响视力。
- A device,such as a monocle or spyglass,containing a lens or lenses and used as an aid to vision. 透镜含一个或多个透镜,用于辅助视力的一种工具,如单片眼镜或小望远镜
- A device, such as a monocle or spyglass, containing a lens or lenses and used as an aid to vision. 透镜含一个或多个透镜,用于辅助视力的一种工具,如单片眼镜或小望远镜
- In a position to obstruct, hinder, or interfere. 挡道地处在阻碍、阻挡或干涉的位置上
- Severe unfairness and sharp conflict will inevitably become the obstruction to the actualization of a harmonious society. 严重的社会不公现象和激烈的社会冲突必然会阻碍和谐社会的实现。