- There are objective reasons for the law regulates this kind of circs. 法院受理了该类案件,最后又予以驳回,也有着自身的原因。
- What do you think is a fine little objective reasons, subjective reasons are followed? 您认为精品太少是客观原因造成的,主观原因是其次?
- We should not put subjective reasons on a par with objective reasons in our analysis. 不能把客观原因与主观原因平等起来分析。
- By subjective and objective reasons, Stravinsky turned to chamber music composition since 1914. 摘要由于主客观原因,自1914年斯特拉文斯基在创作上开始向室内乐转型。
- You can't find objective reasons to blame for everything. Your carelessness was the main cause of this incident. 你不能把事情都归罪于客观原因,你的粗心大意才是主要原因。
- The objective reasons are cultural differences and conflicts and the stanch resistance of the old noblemen in the six states. 文化的差异冲突与六国旧贵族的顽强抵抗是秦文化统一政策失败的客观原因。
- Objective reason or outer authority is considered as the rationality base of educational pre-modernity. 教育前现代性以客观理性或外在世俗权威为合理性基础。
- To deeply find out the subjective and objective reasons, especially reverberate the objective roots have the significance. 深入追究造成马人格异化的主、客观原因,特别是反思其客观根源,对于制止悲剧有着重要意义。
- There are six subjective and objective reasons for the rise of the Long Prose. The Multicultural century definitely brings the new epoch to the Long Prose. 长篇散文崛起于文坛有其六个主、观原因;多元文化交汇的世纪,必然会迎来长篇散文创作的新纪元。
- In practice, there are three difficult problems in the process of collecting organizational evidence for gangland crimes, owing to subjective or objective reasons. 实务中,由于主客观两方面的原因,“组织性”证据的收集存在三方面的突出问题。
- Traditional filtered backprojection(FBP) method required complete projection data,which were often difficult or even impossible to acquire for objective reasons. 传统的滤波反投影算法(FBP)要求完备的投影数据,而实际检测中往往由于客观原因无法获得完全的投影数据。
- The instrumentality and virtualization which are the characteristics of the internet are the object reasons of the internet moral problems' tuning-up. 网络本身的工具性、虚拟性特征是产生网络道德问题的客观原因。
- In other words, they always emphasize external reasons and objective reasons, rarely find their own reasons, such lockstep opinionated phenomenon is very serious. 换句话说,他们总是强调外在原因和客观原因,很少查找自身因素,这种因循守旧、自以为是的现象很严重。
- Whatever it is subjective or objective reason, the person in this stage shall be persisted in physical exercise consciously. 无论来自主观还是客观的原因,都需要这一时期的人身觉坚持身体锻炼。
- Sixthly, commercial banks should energetically strengthen control over borrowing ventures and eliminate objective reasons, which caused non-performing loan. 第六,商业银行要大力加强对借款企业的外控力度,消除不良贷款产生的客观因素。
- There was an objective reason for this: a great many veterans who had been brought down during the "cultural revolution" had been rehabilitated and reinstated in their leading posts at an advanced age. 这有客观原因,一大批老干部在“文化大革命”期间都被打倒了,后来解放了,重新恢复领导工作,所以领导班子年龄偏大。
- This method has its own objective reasonableness and will be widely used in the researching field of international law. 这种方法的出现和发展有其客观的合理性,在国际法研究中有着很大的应用空间。
- Through an autobiographic writing, I have intertwined two clues of subjective feelings and objective reasoning. 透过自传式的书写,将主观心灵与客观理性两条线索,交织纠缠。
- He has told a story which sound not objective. 他讲了听起来不真实的一个故事。
- The Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army's Advance Force can not attribute its failure only to the objective reason of the great disparity in force between the Red Army and the Kuomintang Force . 中国工农红军抗日先遣队的失败,不能仅归于红军与国民党军队力量相差悬殊这一客观原因。