- objective moral standard 公度性标准
- His moral standards have been called into question. 他的道德标准令人生疑。
- With your feeble moral standard? 以你脆弱的道德标准?
- I respected their moral standards. 我尊重他们的道德标准。
- We differ about moral standards. 我们对道德标准看法不一致。
- The president of our university is revered for his high moral standard. 我们大学校长因他的高道德标准而受尊崇。
- The president of our university is revere for his high moral standard. 我们大学校长因他的高道德标准而受尊崇。
- They differ with each other on moral standards. 关于道德标准,他们的见解不同。
- We should raise moral standards in academic fields. 加强学术道德建设。
- He maintains in the following excerpt that there are no objective moral facts which exist independent of human desires. 他在以下选文中强调指出,不存在独立于人类欲望的客观道德事实。
- To violate accepted moral standards; sin. 犯过失违反人们所接受的道德标准,犯罪
- Regeneration is not objective moral suasion. It is not the testimony of the Holy Spirit. 重生不是圣灵客观的,道德的劝导。不是圣灵的见证。
- Moral standards change with time. 道德标准随时代而变。
- The first chapter has narrated and opened up the burgeon process and characteristics of the research object’ moral belief. 第一章叙述并揭示了案主道德信念萌发的过程和特点;
- The second chapter has narrated and opened up the further fortified process and characteristics of the research object’ moral belief. 第二章,叙述并揭示了案主道德信念进一步加强的过程和特点;
- It's not so many years since anyone who offended against the moral standard of the village would be ridden on a rail. 就在前些年,要是谁违犯了村里的道德规范就要被绑在杆子上抬着赶去城外,以示惩罚。
- Collectivism is a kind of moral standard and value criterion as a form of social consciousness. 集体主义是社会意识形式之一的道德规范和价值准则。
- He'd stoop to anything,ie He has no moral standards. 他无论多么不道德的事都干得出来。
- Eight honors and eight disagraces is just a simple way of presenting china's moral standard. 八荣八耻,不过是中国传统儒家道德准则最平常不过的转达方式。
- He'd stoop to anything, ie He has no moral standards. 他无论多麽不道德的事都干得出来.