- According to our best objective measures, Bryant is not the single most efficient or effective player in the game. 根据我们衡量一个求球员是否是最好球员的标准,科比并不是最有效率和最能创造价值的球员。
- Cohen and his colleagues found that based on objective measures of nasal woes, happy people were less likely to develop a cold. 根据所收集的数据,科恩和他的同事发现,性格开朗、较快乐的人不容易患感冒。
- Objective measure is required for target setting/cascading. 客观的方法需要满足目标的设置和层次。
- Managers defend and promote the use of monitoring technology, claiming that computers provide objective measures of performance and increase productivity. 经理们支持并倡导使用监控技术。他们声称计算机能够客观地评估工作表现并提高生产率。
- Clearly, objective measures of happiness and depression are going to be difficult if not impossible to obtain, but that does not mean self-reports should be accepted uncritically. 当然,要客观测量快乐与抑郁,就算不是不可能,也很难做到,但这并不表示自我评估的方法就应该毫不质疑地被接受。
- Can these effects be objectively measured? 这些结果能客观地衡量吗?
- Vigour is harder to define and to measure precisely, of course, but we now have pretty established objective measures of it. 当然,较难界定和测量活力,但现在我们有已确立了的客观测量它的方法。
- Subjective and objective measures of sleep structure or quality could help to characterize the chronic sleep disturbances, with relation to patients' risk factor profiles and co-morbidities. 睡眠的主观及客观评价方法均能评估分析睡眠的结构形式和睡眠质量,在对睡眠障碍患者的诊断和治疗中有重要意义。
- Angular distance is the distance between two objects measured as an angle from a given point. 角距离,是由一定点到两物体之间所量度的夹角。
- Objective Measure the changes of 5-HT of brain stem in rats with trigeminal neuralgia. 目的检测鼠三叉神经痛时脑干组织中5-羟色胺(5-HT)含量的变化。
- Objective Measurements of heart rate variability (HRV) are increasingly used as markers of cardiac autonomic activity. 摘要目的心率变异性作为评价患儿心率变异程度的量化指标,临床上应用越来越广泛。
- Only if the non-metric camera is used in more high-accurate object measurement, we must calibrate the non-metric camera. 摘要非量测摄影机要应用于较高精度的物体测量,就必须对摄影机进行检校(标定)。
- This, mind you, is as much a matter of perceptions as it is objective measurements, but in matters of cachet and legitimacy, perceptions loom large. 要提醒你的是,这既是一种客观的衡量,也同样是一种感知,但是对于威望和合法性来说,感知更为突出。
- Under occlusion, partial observability is utilized to obtain the object measurements and optimum box dimensions. 在遮挡情况下利用部分观测调整估计框以获得目标测量值和最优框尺寸。
- LOE should be utilized conservatively and should be considered only when the task does not lend itself to a more objective measurement technique. 成就水平应该适当地加以利用,最好只用于那些没有其它更好的测定技术的任务。
- Objective Measuring the anato my of the mandibular ramus to provide the consulting for the operation of maxillof acial surgery. 目的观测下颌升支的解剖结构,为临床颌面外科操作和手术提供参考。
- Objective Measurement of human fingers to provide a morphological basis for repairment, replantation and reconstruction of finger. 目的为手指的修复、再植及再造提供形态学基础,进一步丰富形态学资料。
- Objective Measuring psychological health status of the external injuring paraplegic patients to take good methods of nursing for them. 目的对外伤性截瘫患者的心理状况进行测查,以实施恰当的医疗护理。
- He has told a story which sound not objective. 他讲了听起来不真实的一个故事。
- the control of power with objective measures 客观控制