- There is no objective evidence of anything of the kind. 没有任何客观证据证明这一点。
- I believe this approach goes wrong based on the way objective evidence is handled. 我相信,根据处理客观证据的方式来看,这种方式走错了路。
- Archaeologist are trained to disregard personal taste and to concentrate on objective evidence. 考古学家所接受的熏陶是,超越个人喜好,专注客观证据。
- "Is a S/M cure monitored on a routine/documented procedure? Does objective evidence exist? 固化是否有按照文件要求进行监控?是否有客观证据?"
- Objective To find the objective evidence for correcting fetal malposition by acupuncture and moxibustion. 目的观察针刺加灸治疗胎位不正的客观依据。
- "Is there objective evidence that the chemistries are being analyzed by the laboratory on the documented frequency? 是否有客观证据证明实验室有按照文件规定的频率对化学药水进行分析?"
- Those assumptions which Watson made based on the objective evidence, were reasonable to some degree, even though they proved wrong later. 华生基于客观证据所做出的推测在一定程度上是合理的,尽管后来被证明是错误的。
- The objective evidence should inter alia include records from the internal annual audit performed by the Company, ashore and on board. 客观证据特别应包括公司在船上和岸上实施的内部年度评审的记录。
- These findings provide objective evidence that personal space invasions produce physiological changes associated with arousal. 这些发现,为个人空间的被侵入将产生心理上伴随着紧张的变化,提供了客观性的证据。
- "Is there objective evidence that the scrub/preclean chemistries are being analyzed by the laboratory on the documented frequency? 是否能证明有文件规定实验室有对刷磨/前处理化学药水分析,并规定其分析频率?"
- "Are defectives and rework schedules documented for the DES line and objective evidence exist that they are being follow? DES线是否有文件规定不良品与重工计划,并且有客观证据说明有按照其要求执行?"
- "Is there objective evidence that the precleaning chemistries are being analyzed by the laboratory at the documented frequency? 是否有客观证据说明前处理化学药水有被化验室按照文件规定的程序进行分析?"
- Planning for internal audits should be flexible in order to permit changes in emphasis based on findings and objective evidence obtained during the audit. 内部审核的策划应当是灵活的,以便允许依据在审核过程中的审核发现和客观证据对审核的重点进行调整。
- "Is the cleanroom well controlled by temperature, humidity and particles which meet 10K Max. requirement and out of control notification? Review objective evidence. 无尘室的温度,湿度,尘埃粒子是否管控良好,其符合10K最高要求,并且,超过规格时有相应通知?审核客观证据。"
- The life and times of George Soros are indeed interesting, but the "trading secrets" of the title are based more on his intuition than on objective evidence. 生活和时代的索罗斯确实是个有趣的问题,但"贸易机密"的标题是基于更多关于他的直觉,而不是客观的证据。
- It generally takes a number of audits before an inexperienced auditor can confidently draw conclusions from objective evidence and write nonconformities clearly and concisely. 通常,在没有经验的审核员可以自信地从客观证据中得出结论,清晰而准确地写出不符合项之前需要大量的审核。
- However, in the absence of objective evidence, and in a life where reality and illusion intermingles, people no longer knew what to believe and what not to believe. 结果,电脑果真公开保证,只是在缺乏客观佐证、真实与虚幻交错的生活中,谁也不知道该相信什麽,不能相信什麽。
- Although atypical chest pain may be debilitating, there is no objective evidence that it indicates serious heart disease, except when due to disease of the great vessels or to pulmonary embolism.. 尽管非典型性胸痛有损健康,由此确定其为严重心脏病缺仍乏客观证据,除非这是由大血管病变或肺栓塞所引起的。
- Several placebo-controlled studies in this indication provide objective evidence that topically applied Hirudoid and Hirudoid forte accelerate the regression of superficial thrombi and inflammation. 几项安慰剂对照的临床研究,将喜疗妥和喜疗妥特强乳膏外用于输注性血栓性静脉炎,客观地论证了其能有效地治疗浅表血栓和炎症。
- Validation: confirmation, through the provision of objective evidence, that the requirements for a specific intended use or application have been fulfilled undertaking tests and demonstrations, and reviewing documents prior to issue. 确认:通过提供客观证据对特定的预期用途或应用要求已得到满足的认定