- object level language 对象级语言
- In computer programming, a high level language instruction that places a value in a program specified memory address, location. 在计算机程序设计中,一种高级语言的语句或指令,其功能是将一个值放到程序指定的内存地址单元内。
- For you to have access to an object, you also have to have been granted access at the object level. 要具有访问对象的权限,还必须授予对象级别的访问权。
- Again, for you to have access to an object, you also have to have been granted access at the object level. 同样,要具有访问对象的权限,必须在对象级别授予访问权。
- On average, one line of high level language code translates into many lines of assembly language code. 平均起来,一行高级语言代码要转换成多行汇编语言代码。
- A high level language instruction that places a value in a program specified memory address, location. 一种高级语言的语句或指令,其功能是将一个值放到程序指定的内存地址单元内。
- Gross shape features as well as corresponding edge-set of individual object are stored in an object record that acts as an object level descriptor. 根据三维物体分割的结果,首先计算单个物体的最大尺度、形状类型和边集等整体特征,继而推测它们之间的相互位置关系。
- In computer programming,a statement in a high level language program to inform the translator that the end of the source program has been attained. 在计算机程序设计中,高级语言程序中的一种语句,用于通知翻译程序已到达源程序末端。
- Ftwalk - High level language, modelled on awk, for scripts or interactive use, for system administration, software development, software test. 高级语言,模块化设计,适用于脚本和交互应用,系统管理,软件开发和软件测试。
- In computer programming, a high level language instruction that retrieves a value from a program specified memory address location. 在计算机程序设计中的一条高级语言指令,用来从程序指定的内存地址单元中取出一个值。
- In computer programming, a statement in a high level language program to inform the translator that the end of the source program has been attained. 在计算机程序设计中,高级语言程序中的一种语句,用于通知翻译程序已到达源程序末端。
- MSSQL substructure. Provides a modular set of user, group, and object level permissions that function independent of the inherent MSSQL security. Desigened to drop into any database aplication. 该软件提供了独立于MSSQL自带安全机制的安全功能,提供了模块化设置用户、用户组以及对象级别访问许可的安全机制。
- OPERATING SYSTEM:Set of machine language programs that run accessories, perform commands and interpret or translate high level language program (usually written into the ROM). 操作系统:机器语言程序的集合,运行附件,执行命令以及解释或翻译高级语言程序(通常被写入rom)。
- A general purpose, high level language, adopted by the U. S. Department of Defense, and available for scientific and industrial applications on a variety of computers. 一种通用高级语言,为美国国防部所采用,现在已在多种计算机上用于科学及工业应用。
- In computing, ( a ) a complete set of machine code instructions for a computer, or family of computers ; ( b ) a set of types of instruction for a high level language. 在计算技术中, (1) 计算机或计算机系列的一套完整的机器代码指令集,(2) 一套高级语言的各类指令集。
- Go back to the first higher level language, think about how debugging, how specification was done, and we have hardly changed at all in terms of how it's done. 回去第一比较高的水平语言,想如何除错,规格被做的方式,而且我们刚刚没有在术语中全然改变它如何被做。
- It models a DLX-like processor and its set of ASM instructions, a compiler from a high level language (C-like), and an IDE with syntax checking and highlighting. 它模拟了一个类DLX处理器及其汇编(ASM)指令集,一个高级语言(类C)的编译器和带有语法检查和高亮的集成开发环境(IDE)。
- Can jackaroo to accountant thing place, not pay is possible also, can raise your accountant objective level very quickly so, apply for a job in the future very convenient. 可以到会计事物所去实习,不要薪金也可以的,这样可以很快提高你的会计实物水平,将来找工作就很方便了。
- Study of the XML data binding model at object level 对象层次上的XML数据绑定模型的研究
- He always travels first class expense is no object. 他出门总是用头等票--费用不成问题。