- Oat bran protein concentrate was prepared through alkali extraction and acid precipitation. 采用碱提酸沉法制备了燕麦麸浓缩蛋白。
- oat bran protein concentrates 燕麦麸浓缩蛋白
- Study on Extraction Technology of Oat Bran Protein Concentrate 燕麦麸皮浓缩蛋白提取工艺研究
- Composition and Functional Properties of Oat Bran Protein 燕麦麸蛋白的组成及功能性质研究
- Study on hydrolysis of oat bran protein using different protein enzyme 燕麦麸皮蛋白在不同蛋白酶作用下的水解研究
- Effects of enzymatic hydrolysis on the functional properties of oat bran protein isolates 燕麦麸分离蛋白的酶解对其功能性质的影响
- Study on the determination of the pl of oat bran protein and alkaline extraction of the oat bran protein by orthogonal design 燕麦麸蛋白质等电点测定及其稀碱法提取工艺优化的研究
- Oat bran was porphyrizd into cell-level ultramicro-power. 对燕麦麸进行细胞级超微细粉碎。
- They're not challenging the practice of sending children off to school with some oat bran or eggs in their belly. 他们对儿童上学前用燕麦麸或鸡蛋垫底的做法毫无异议。
- Now more and more researches have focused on oat bran, and this paper gives a review on these researches. 燕麦麸具有降胆固醇、抗氧化、减肥、预防结肠癌等生理功能,已经越来越引起人们的重视。
- By contrast, cholesterol-lowering soluble fibres such as sugar gum, psyllium and oat bran appear to have no effect on triglycerides. 一些能降低胆固醇的可溶性纤维如糖桉树、洋车前籽和燕麦麸则对三酸甘油脂没有影响。
- The water and oil absorption capacity for protein concentrates and precipitated protein isolate were better. 棉籽浓缩蛋白和沉淀蛋白,除吸油、吸水能力强之外,其他的功能特性均较差。
- Nearly all cell walls of oat bran are broken and dissolving out characters tics of effective compositions are remarkably improved,after it is ultramicro-porphyrized. 燕麦麸经超微粉碎后,显微镜下观察基本无完整细胞存在;其有效成分溶出特性有明显改变。
- This FDA investigation indicates that protein concentrates comprise 5-6% of the pet food scraps. 这个林业局的调查表明,蛋白浓缩包括5-6%25的宠物食品签名。
- Protein concentrate shampoo for dry to. 蛋白浓缩洗发水针对干性及正常发质。
- John believes in oat bran. 约翰对麦片粥的好处相信不疑。
- Soy protein concentrate was enzymatically modified. 采用酶法对大豆浓缩蛋白进行改性。
- Rice bran protein (RBP) is a kind of hypoallergenic, high protein efficiency ratio (PER) vegetable protein. 米糠中的蛋白质是一种低过敏性、高生物效价的优质植物蛋白质。
- Cellulase and protease were very important in the extraction of rice bran protein. 多种酶制剂的应用对米糠蛋白提取具有重要意义;
- In the early years of our studies, this newly discovered property was found on a sporadic basis, varying from batch to batch of whey (milk serum) protein concentrates. 在我们早期的研究里,这个新发现的特性是偶然得到的、随着一批批的乳浆蛋白浓缩物而有不同。