- nylon tulle 尼龙薄纱
- Cotton is more comfortable to wear than nylon. 棉布比尼龙穿着舒服。
- Sales of nylon have been below par in recent years. 近年来尼纶织的销售额一直不及以往。
- She strung the beads with a fine nylon. 她用细尼龙线把珠子串了起来。
- Is this garment made of pure wool, or of wool mixed with nylon? 这件衣服是纯羊毛的,还是羊毛与尼龙混纺的 ?
- Nylon stockings; a nylon curtain. 尼龙长袜; 尼龙窗帘
- Tulle: A fine, often starched net of silk, rayon, or nylon, used especially for veils, tutus, or gowns. 面纱一种浆过的细纱网、人造丝网或尼龙网,专门用作面纱、芭蕾舞短语和衣服。
- In summer, gloves made of lace or tulle are ideal. 夏天,蕾丝或者薄纱制的手套最好。
- This nylon doesn't knit up as well as pure wool. 这种尼龙不象纯羊毛那样好织。
- Think of me when you listen to Jethro Tull. 当你听JethroTull唱片时想想我。
- The milliner swirled tulle lavishly above the brim of the hat. 卖帽子的商人将面纱过多地卷在帽沿上。
- Nylon tights sometimes run, ie ladder. 尼龙裤袜有时候抽丝。
- Phoebe, isn't Jethro Tull a band? |菲比,Jethro Tull不是一个乐队吗?
- He strangled her with a nylon stocking. 他用尼龙长筒袜勒死了她。
- The veil is champagne colour silk tulle, extremely light and fine. 婚纱是以香槟色薄纱制成,轻盈且精巧。
- Why do some people prefer nylon brushes? 第 2 章
- A little tarlatan would do, they decided, instead of the tulle. 她们决定用一点蓝色的薄纱代替绢纱。
- The cover of the notebook is made of nylon. 笔记本的封面是尼成的。
- I think silk has the edge on nylon . 我想丝绸比尼龙强一点呢。
- Nylon is made from coal,water and air. 尼龙是用煤、水和空气制成的。