- Trees have been inspected in the nursery for trueness to name. 在苗圃内所有的苗木都检查过是名实相符的。
- We've turned the smallest bedroom into a nursery for our new baby. 我们已将最小的那间卧室改成新生婴儿的幼儿室。
- Before your litter arrives, set up a nursery for them. 在小猫出世之前,先为它们准备一个产房吧。
- Hot ashes for trees? Hot air for a cool breeze? 用灰烬交换了绿树?用滚烫的空气交换了凉风?
- You cannot see the wood for trees. 见树不见林。
- Their extensive fishing trade was an excellent nursery for seamanship. 他们广泛的渔业贸易是航海技术的一个良好的养成所。
- Replicator limit for tree depth has been exceeded. 已经超过副本复制的目录树深度限制。
- nursery for trees 树木苗圃
- A Pilot Study on the Segmentation Method for Tree Image. 树木图象分割的方法初探。
- Babies Need a Healthy, Restful NurseryPreparing a nursery for a new baby should include more than just color schemes. 婴儿需要一个健康、宁静的婴儿房。给新生儿准备一个婴儿房有太多问题需要考虑,不单单是配色方案。
- Appreciate you to dedicate to be used as repay for tree with love. 把你的欣赏和爱献给树做为回报。
- The feeling for trees is easier to understand,and is,of course,universal. 人类对于树木的感觉比较容易了解,而且这种感觉当然是很普遍的。
- The feeling for trees is easier to understand, and is, of course, universal. 人类对于树木的感觉比较容易了解,而且这种感觉当然是很普遍的。
- This usually means a wider spacing than would be used in an ordinary commercial nursery for the same species. 这通常意味着要比正常生产性苗圃的同样树种采用较大的株行距。
- And did they get you to trade your heroes for ghosts? Hot ashes for trees? 他们让你用你的英雄换来鬼魂了吧?用青翠的树木换来炽热的灰烬了吧?
- This activity takes place in August,and in September the den becomes the delivery room and nursery for the cub. 这是其8月份要做的;而在9月份,这个窝就成了产房和育儿室了。
- Annual floods, fed by tropical rains, create a giant nursery for aquatic life, including 260 species of fish. 每年洪水,美联储热带雨,为他们创造一个巨人托儿所水生动物,其中包括260多种鱼类。
- The birds provide homes for tree mallow which then prevents them breeding. 鸟类提供阻挡他们繁殖的花葵最好的家园。
- This activity takes place in August, and in September the den becomes the delivery room and nursery for the cub. 这是其8月份要做的; 而在9月份,这个窝就成了产房和育儿室了。
- This kind of incomprehension or even misconception actually serves as a nursery for pirate copy. 就算千辛万苦"漂"到北京了,如果不是有点"关系"或"背景",要受到唱片公司赏识还是挺难的。