- A classical introduction to modern number theory. 现代数论经典引论。
- French mathematician who formulated modern number theory and probability theory. 费马,皮尔·德1601-1665法国数学家,他有系统地阐述了现代数理论和概率论
- Recent perspectives in random matrix theory and number theory. 随即距阵理论和数论新观点。
- A Classical Introduction to Modern Number Theory 2nd ed. 现代数学论的经典引论第2版。
- The thesis tried to solve the problem of Hanoi Tower as that of number theory. 摘要梵塔问题本质上是一个数论问题。
- Its divisibility and prime number theorems overlap parts of number theory. 其可除性和质数定理部分与数论(number theory)重叠。
- French mathematician who founded number theory,contributed (with Pascal) to the theory of probability (1601-1665). 创立数论的法国数学家(1601-1665),(和帕斯卡)对概率理论做出了贡献。
- French mathematician who founded number theory; contributed (with Pascal) to the theory of probability (1601-1665). 创立数论的法国数学家(1601-1665);(和帕斯卡)对概率理论做出了贡献。
- His work on the twin prime conjecture and on Goldbach's conjecture led to progress in analytic number theory. 他对于孪生素数猜想和哥德巴赫猜想的研究大步推进了解析数论的发展。
- In this article, we discuss some questions with respect to number theory in the works of Euclid and Diophantus. 在本文中,我们讨论了欧几里得和丢番图著作中与数论有关的某些问题。
- Number theory is rich in problems of an especially sort; they are tantalizingly simple to state but difficult to solve. 数论在特别隐含集合中有充足的题设;这些陈述简单但解题时相当具迷惑性。
- In this thesis, the basic concepts of cryptogram including number theory and modular arithmetic are introduced. 本文介绍了密码学的基本概念,包括数论的基础知识和模运算的概念。
- French mathematician who made valuable contributions to number theory algebra before being killed in a duel at the age of21. 伽罗瓦,艾瓦里斯特1811-1832法国数学家,21岁时在一场决斗中被杀,对数字理论代数做出了很大的贡献
- German mathematician and astronomer known for his contributions to algebra, differential geometry, probability theory, and number theory. 高斯,卡尔 弗雷德里希1777-1855德国数学家和天文学家,因其对代数、微积分几何、或然率理论和数字理论的贡献而为人称道
- PARI/GP is a package aimed at efficient computations in number theory, containing a large number of other useful functions. GP是一个用于数论高效计算的程序包,包含了许多其它有用的函数。
- This dissertation is composed of three parts.The first part discusses two topics in number theory, Gauss Sum and Ramanujan Sum, respectively. 本篇论文由三部分组成,在第一部分中,我们将讨论数论中的两个主题,分别是高斯和以及拉玛努江和。
- Our goal in this paper will be to review Jiang's achievements from his disproof of RH to his establishment of the new number theory. 本文的目的是审视蒋(春暄)的成就,自他否定黎曼假设开始,到他创立的新数论。
- PARI/GP - PARI/GP is a package aimed at efficient computations in number theory, containing a large number of other useful functions. GP是一个用于数论高效计算的程序包,包含了许多其它有用的函数。
- These are shared concerns in commutative algebra, algebraic geometry, number theory and the computational aspects of these fields. 这些是在交换的代数,代数学的几何学,数论和这些领域的计算的方面方面的被分享的关心。
- The author gave a new simple elementary proof for the quadratic reciprocity law in number theory, without using famous Gauss lemma. 给出数论中著名的二次互反律一个新的初等证明;其特点是比常见文献中的初等证明更为简单;并且不使用高斯引理.