- Corresponding in order to the number one. 第一位的按顺序排在第一位的
- This company is number one in the oil business. 这家公司在石油业中首屈一指。
- You can depend on it that she'll always look after number one. 她总是关心自身的利益,对这一点可以打包票。
- John is number one around here and I'm his number two. 在这一带,约翰是个头头,我是他的副手。
- The ordinal number matching the number one trillion in a series. 第一万亿,第一兆可数数列中与一万亿相对应的序数
- Don't always think of number one. 别老是考虑个人的得失。
- That is number one western steer beef. 那是头等的四方小牛肉。
- Jack is no longer number one on Elisie's parade. 杰克现在已不再是爱丽丝名单上最好的男朋友了。
- Jack is no longer number one on Elsie's hit parade. 杰克已不再是爱丝最好的男友了。
- That's number one western steer beef. 那是西部牛排的上品。
- This crisis is my number one priority. 这危机是我优先考虑的问题。
- He is the number one seed in this tournament. 他是这次锦标赛中的头号种子选手。
- Being Number One is very important to an American. 名列第一对美国人极其重要。
- Well,you can take the number one from Gongzhufen ? 你可以从公主坟坐一路车。
- We're number one in the used car business. 在二手车交易中我们是老大。
- Looking after number one is all she thinks about. 她一心只想着照顾自己。
- To the world's number one Grandma. 给全天下最棒的奶奶。
- "You'll be my number one man in Vegas. “你是我在韦加斯的头号助手。
- Do you need to take a number one or number two? 你要上大号还是小号?
- Number one, I'm not in the judgment business. 第一,我的职业不是判断是非曲直。