- Oil suddenly jetted out of rig number four. 油突然从四号钻井中喷了出来。
- A number four times as great as another. 四倍量是另一个四倍的数量
- We are table number three, where's number four? 四号桌在哪?
- Y2K was one hectic number four year. 2000年是令人兴奋的一个年份。
- Number four, Privet Drive, is described as large and square. 女贞路4号在书中被描述为一个宽阔的四方型的住所。
- Three things should have saved number four elevator from disaster. 本来有三件东西可以使第四号电梯不至于发生灾祸的。
- The ordinal number matching the number four in a series. 第四一序数词,一列数中的第四个
- Number four: Find and keep and nurture your sense of humor. 发现、保持并培养你的幽默感。
- Number four is a short cut that brings the world much closer together. 位列第四位的是一条将世界连得更近的捷径。
- Who wore the number four shirt for LFC in the 1987 Littlewoods Cup final? 利特尔伍德杯决赛时,谁穿着利物浦的4号球衣?
- He looked around, the landing of number four, Privet Drive, was deserted. 他看着四周,女贞路4号外的平台早已荒废了。
- The army numbered four to five thousand at the start. 这支军队开始才有四五千人。
- And if you want to know about number four, and that boy, why, shiver my timbers! Isn't he a hostage? 如果你们想知道第四点,也就是为什么要护着这孩子,那你们给我听着,难道他不是个人质吗?
- Number Four Privet Drive, Little Whinging, Surrey A perfectly ordinary house on a perfectly ordinary street. 萨里郡小惠金区女贞路4号一条平常的不能再平常的街道,一幢平常的不能再平常的房子。
- For being the world's largest rainforest, The Amazon treks onto our list at number four. 作为世界上最大的雨林,亚马逊地区在我们的排名中名列第四。
- Allan Newman's number twelve is the scarcest.Victor Brenner's number four, Motherhood, is the most popular. 维克多.;布雷纳设计雕刻的第4号,母爱,是发行量最多的。
- Feisty 'it girl' Katy Perry hustles her way in to the number four slot with her cheeky tale, "I Kissed a Girl. 圣罗兰凭著非比寻常的直觉,能感受出街头上人们向往的追求,并转变成为高级服饰。他的"时装帝国"从此稳健成长。
- Over which British city did the one-year-old Harry Potter fall asleep as Hagrid took him to number four, Privet Drive? 海格带着哈利波特前往女贞路4号时,一岁大的小哈利在他们飞越哪个英国城市的时候睡着了?
- Not for the first time, an argument had broken out over breakfast at number four, Privet Drive. 在普里怀特街四号房里面已经不止一次在早饭的时候发生争吵了。
- I said: “Elspeth, that's definitely a number four,” and she said: “Oh, I rather like that idea. 我对Elspeth说:“给一个第四类回复,”但她说:“我很喜欢这个想法。”