- nuclear test suspension 核试验悬浮
- The government bans nuclear test. 该政府禁止核试验。
- French Pacific Nuclear Test Site. 是法国在南太平洋的核试验场,又叫太平洋核试验中心。
- The government bans nuclear test . 该政府禁止核试验。
- China signed the Nuclear Test Ban Treaty. 中国签署了《禁止核实验条约》。
- North Korea's nuclear test was a damp squib in market terms. 北朝的核实验对于市场而言,也不过是一枚哑炮而已。
- A multilateral nuclear test ban treaty was to be signed. 将签署一项禁止核试验的多边条约。
- After the nuclear test, the South reaffirmed its decision. 核试验之后,韩国更是坚定了这个决定。
- Our country has discontinued nuclear testing. 我国已停止核试验。
- They waged a campaign against nuclear tests. 他们开展了反核试验运动。
- These appeals became louder after China's first nuclear test in 1964. 中国在1964年进行了首次核试验后,这类呼声更为强烈。
- What is their policy on nuclear testing? 他们对核试验的政策是什么?
- Appropriate controls for the test suspension(s), antisera, cells and complement are included. CF titres are expressed as the reciprocal of the serum dilution producing 50‰ haemolysis. 试验应设下列对照:悬浮液、抗血清、细胞和补体。以产生50%25溶血的最终血清稀释度的倒数表示补体试验的滴度。
- North Korea's nuclear test leads to political confusion in the South. 朝鲜核试验导致韩国政局紊乱。
- The nuclear test was conducted with indigenous wisdom and technology 100%. 本次核试验依靠的是100%25自主的智慧和技术。
- China conducts its first successful nuclear test in the Takia Makan desert. 1964年10月16日中国成功在塔克拉玛干沙漠进行了第一次核试验。
- Already we have imposed an moratorium on nuclear testing. 我们已经停止了核试验,
- It follows the nuclear test conducted two weeks ago by the reclusive regime. 因为两周前,朝鲜进行了一次核试验。
- S. nuclear test on the Bikini Atoll, 100 miles (161 kilometers* away. 美国曾在距此处100英里(161公里)以外的比基尼岛进行过核试验,因此这里遭到了放射性沉降物的污染。
- Then Pakistan followed suit, in response to India's nuclear tests. 之后,巴基斯坦针对印度核试验做出反应,也进行了核试验。