- Swiss re-think, tends to harden in the insurance market, the grantor will pay more attention to the nuclear risk to choose and adopt various means to ensure that the bottom line profit. 瑞再认为,在保险市场趋于变硬的过程中,核保人会更加注重对风险的选择,并采用各种手段确保盈利底线。
- Yahoo News: Pakistan political instability raises nuclear risk 巴基斯坦政局不稳加大核风险
- Agreement on the Establishment of Nuclear Risk Reduction Centres; 关于建立减少核危险中心的协定;
- A new nuclear power station is on the stocks here. 这座新的核电站在建造之中。
- He will go to help them at all risks. 他要冒一切危险去帮助他们。
- Ben will at all risks get the bid. 班要冒着一切风险争取中标。
- This old man is a famous nuclear physicist. 这位老人是一位著名的核物理学家。
- Plans for nuclear plants have been declassified. 建造核装备的计划已不再保密。
- Big game angling is not without its risks. 钓取大鱼并非没有危险。
- You can't get rich without taking risks. 人不冒险不富。
- They decided to establish a nuclear power station. 他们决定修建一所核电站。
- Nuclear energy remains a double-headed creature. 核能依然是一种有利也有弊的能原。
- Does All Risks include War Risk? 一切险也包括战争险吗?
- Nuclear physics is a closed book to me. 核物理学是我完全不懂的一门学科。
- Nuclear physics is a closed book to most of us. 我们大多数人对原子核物理学一窍不通。
- His area of concentration is nuclear physics. 他的专门研究范围是原子物理学。
- They overlooked the enormous risks involved. 他们忽略了暗含的巨大危险。
- We do not expect untrained people to take risks. 我们不主张未受过培训的人员去冒险。
- That importer wishes to insure against All Risks. 那个进口商想要投保一切险。
- He backed out of the deal when he saw the risks. 当他看到有风险的时候,立即退出交易。