- nuclear radiation protection 核辐射防护
- He was suffering from exposure to nuclear radiation. 受核辐射的影响他很痛苦。
- This course objects are to learn the energy resources, the basics of electric power, nuclear reactor types, radiation protection and nuclear applications. 本课程学生的学习目标为,瞭解能源的种类、发电的基本原理,核能发电的形式,辐射防护及核能相关的和平应用。
- What are the basic measures in radiation protection? 辐射防护有什么基本措施?
- Quality inspection rule for nuclear instruments and nuclear radiation. 与核辐射探测器质量检验规则。
- Calibration of radiation protection monitoring instruments II. 辐射防护监测仪器校准2。
- Radiation protection , remove the odor and the elimination room. 防辐射、消除异味、排除室内细菌。
- Nuclear radiations continue to reach the ground. 核辐射继续不断来到地面。
- This paper describes the present status and development of radiation protection standard s, the teatures of radiation protection in nuclear energy age, and the purposes of the complete revision of ICRP publication 26 by the Commission. 本文论述了辐射防护标准的现状与发展动态,核能时代辐射防护的特点,以及国际放射防护委员会对其ICRP第26号出版物进行全面修订的目的。
- Besides, continuous education for improving professional knowledge and strengthening radiation protection are imperious for radiological technologists in nuclear medicine services. 核医技术日新月益,有赖专业知识不断的提升与辐防教育的加强,此二者亦为核医造影放射师目前迫切的需要。
- Strengthening supervision and management over nuclear security and nuclear radiation. 强化核安全和核辐射环境监督管理;
- The math-model of predicting the residual nuclear radiation for neutron bomb nuclear explo sion is studied. 研究了中子弹核爆炸剩余核辐射估算的数学模型,给出了地面放射性沾染、通过和停留剂量估算的数学模型。
- The application principles and methods are demonstrated of nuclear radiation technique in gemmology. 阐述了核辐照技术在宝石学中的应用原理和方法。
- The third is environmental physics including nuclear radiation, X-ray, and electromagnetic wave and thermal radiation. 环境物理因素,包含核、X射线、电磁波和热的辐射等;
- The residual nuclear radiation is defined as that which is emitted later than I minute from the instant of the explosion. 剩余核辐射是指在爆炸一分钟之后释放出来的辐射。
- Industrial endoscope can be used for observations at places under high temperature, toxicity, nuclear radiation and those invisible to naked eyes. 工业内窥镜可用于高温、毒、辐射及人眼无法观察到的场所的观察,可以迅速地检查各种机器、备、装物体的内部,不需拆卸或破坏组装就能进行有效的质量管理。可与照相机、像机或电子计算机耦接组成图像处理系统,进行视场监视和图像分析。
- Radiation protection standards for X-ray diffraction and fluorescence analysis equipment. 射线衍射仪和荧光分析仪放射卫生防护标准.
- The residual nuclear radiation is defined as that which is emitted later than 1 minute from the instant of the explosion. 剩余核辐射是指在爆炸一分钟之后释放出来的辐射。
- Fan L G. Database on Radiation Protection of Qinshan NPP. WANO Good Practice, 2004. 张勇.;核电站氧化运行及效果分析
- The other is that of utilizing the thickness of the concrete as an efficient biological shield against nuclear radiation. 另一种是利用混凝土的厚度,作为防止核辐射的一个有效的生物保护罩。