- Iran Defies Deadline on Nuclear Program. 伊朗无视核项目的最后限期。
- When does China expect DPRK to declare its nuclear program? 另外,中方希望朝鲜何时开始申报其核计划?
- Iran has not responded to requests to suspend its nuclear program. 伊朗还未对延缓其核计划的要求作出回应。
- Teheran says its nuclear program is purely peaceful. 伊朗方面称起核应用是绝对安全的。
- "The DPRK sees the nuclear program as its lifeblood," Shen said. (“朝鲜将核武器计划看作是它的生命线”,沈丁立说道。
- Q: President of Iran said yesterday that its nuclear program is irreversible. 问:伊朗总统昨天表示,伊朗的核计划是不可逆转的。
- It vastly complicates his attempts to defuse Iran's nuclear program. 它令奥巴马尝试消除伊朗核计划的努力大大复杂化。
- Iran insists its nuclear program is intended only to produce electricity. 伊朗坚持认为其核计划是为发电设计实施的。
- President of Iran said yesterday that its nuclear program is irreversible. 问:伊朗总统昨天表示,伊朗的核计划是不可逆转的。
- Under international pre ure, North Korea has agreed to return to talks on dismantling its nuclear program. 在国际社会的压力之下,北韩已同意目的在于解除其核武器的会谈。
- However, the U.S. nonetheless fully agreed this time not to pester India again about its military nuclear program. 然而,美国这一次却完全同意不再过问印度的军事核武计画。
- Iran is reported to have expanded its nuclear program - de ite the threat of United Natio sanctio . 据报导,尽管联合国发出制裁的威胁,伊朗还是扩大了其核项目。
- Russia is again urging Iran to stop uranium enrichment to end the international standoff over its nuclear program. 俄罗斯再次敦促伊朗停止提炼浓缩铀,以结束国际间在伊朗核计划问题上出现的僵持局面。
- Ahmadinejad told a Tehran news conference Tuesday that no one can prevent Iran from having a peaceful nuclear program. 艾哈迈迪内贾德星期二在德黑兰一次记者会上说,没有人能够阻止伊朗和平目的的核项目。
- And today the North Korean regime is using its nuclear program to incite fear and seek concessions. 今天,北韩政权利用它的核项目制造恐怖并以此相要挟。
- North Korea has denied admitting it has a nuclear program, and has been insisting on bilateral talks with Washington. 朝鲜已否认其核计划,并坚持与华盛顿展开双边对话。
- Iran brazenly insisted on continuing its nuclear program despite international objections. 伊朗不顾国际社会的反对,公然表示要继续进行核项目
- Only when the DPRK truly abandons its nuclear program in practice can it be concluded that substantial progress has been made. 仅仅当DPRK真正在实践放弃它的原子节目时,实质的进步被取得了,这能被结束。
- The elimination of North Korea's nuclear programs is essential to this outcome. 为了达到这个结果,消除北朝鲜的核项目是至关重要的。
- After months of negotiations, the UN Security Council has unanimously voted to sanction Iran over its nuclear program. 经过数月的谈判,联合国安理会以全票通过制裁伊朗决议,要求其终止核计划世界各国对。