- nuclear age determination 核年代测定法,放射性测定年代
- We are all children of the nuclear age. 我们全都是核子时代的产物。
- We had never to lose sight of the duty imposed by the nuclear age. 我们始终不能忘记核时代加在我们肩上的责任。
- Makers of Modern Strategy from Machiavelli to the Nuclear Age. 庄家的现代化战略,从马基雅维利到核时代。
- In the nuclear age the world needed the United Nations more than ever. 在当今核时代,全世界比以往任何时候都更加需要联合国。
- Age determination data indicate episodic crystallization of uranium minerals. 年龄测定数据表明,铀矿物有着不同期的结晶。
- The 1973 summit laid bare the ambiguities of East-West relations in the nuclear age. 一九七三年的最高级会谈揭示了核时代暖昧的东西方关系。
- A new unit of the nuclear age is the ton used to gauge the energy of nuclear explosions. 在核能时代,有个新的单位叫吨,这是用来计量核爆炸能量的。
- When practical solar cells came on the scene in the 1950s the nuclear age was just beginning. 当实用的太阳电池在五十年代出现时,原子核时代刚刚开始。
- This study deals with age determination and age distribution of muskrat populations. 利用新疆等地区的597号麝鼠头骨标本和其它材料,研究种群年龄组成。
- Four years later he produced the first nuclear chain reaction, leading us into the nuclear age. 四年之后,他创造了第一次原子核的链反应,带领我们进入了原子时代。
- In conclusion, both of the diameters and numbers of statoconia may not be appropriate index in age determination of hagfish. 由以上结果总结, 盲鳗耳石的直径与数量并不适于作为盲鳗定龄的型值。
- The nuclear age, victory has lost its traditional significance. The outbreak of war is increasingly considered the worst catastrophe. 在核时代,胜利业已失去其传统的意义。战争的爆发日益视为莫为的灾难。
- Personal identification,as one of the most important tasks of medical jurisprudence,includes stature estimation,sex estimation and age determination. 个人识别在法医实践中占有重要地位,主要包括判定种族、推断身高、判定性别和推算年龄。
- In the days following the dropping of the atomic bomb on Hiroshima, few people comprehended the fact that the nuclear age had arrived. 在广岛投下原子弹之后的日子里,很少人领悟到核时代已经到来了这一事实。
- In 1992, colleagues and I were invited to Longgupo to provide a reliable age determination and to help understand the palaeoanthropology. 1992年,我的同事们和我应邀到龙骨坡提供精确的断代,并帮助解释其在古人类学上的性质。
- In this thesis the progression of the study of lumbar vertebrae in stature estimation, sex estimation and age determination were discussed. 本文着重从身高推算、别判定和年龄判定三个方面综述了近年来腰椎在法医人类学领域的研究进展。
- In order to enhance the accuracy of skeletal age determination, further investigation for appropriate methodology should be undertaken. 因此,为了提高骨龄鉴定结论的精确度,还需进行更多方法学的研究。
- Since the dawn of the nuclear age the world's fears of holocaust and its hopes for peace have turned on the relationship between the United States and the Soviet Union. 自从核时代开始以来,世界对大屠杀的恐惧和对和平所抱的希望都以美苏关系为转移。
- In the present work, we examined the statoconia in the inner ear of the hagfish Paramyxine nelsoni intense to explore it as a useful index in hagfish s age determination. 本研究以纽氏副盲鳗为材料,检视存在于其内耳的耳石是否可能成为为盲鳗定龄的依据。