- The original picture is in the British Museum. 这幅画的原作在大英博物馆内。
- He worked at a novel in the library. 他在图书馆里写他创作的那本小说。
- I'm going to read the novel in the afternoon. 我打算在下午读这本小说。
- He would rather take much trouble to read novels in the original than read simplified stories. 他宁可花大气力读名著,也不愿意读简易本。
- That line isn't in the original script. 原剧本中没有那句台词。
- Good morning. I would like to read some novels in the original to improve my English. 早上好,我想读一些英文原版小说以提高英语水平。
- The original manuscript rests in the museum. 原始手稿在博物馆里。
- The original meaning is lost in the translation. 译文走失原意。
- Open the original image in the GIMP. 开原形象的瘸子.
- The original pattern in the book was a baby poncho. 原本书上的织图是小宝贝的斗篷,
- I hope to read the book in the original. 我希望读这本书的原文。
- The Origins of Intelligent in the Child. 儿童智慧的本源。
- It is an excellent novel in every way. 无论从哪方面来看,这都是一本优秀的小说。
- The novel had an enormous vogue in the 1930's. 这本小说在三十年代曾广为流传。
- Ulysses is a classic novel in the technique of stream of consciousness. 《尤利西斯》是意识流小说的经典之作。
- Crime and Punishment remains for me the most exciting novel in the world. 《罪与罚》仍然是世界上最吸引我的小说。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- Lewis is the milestone of the fantasy novels in the world. 刘易斯的《纳尼亚传奇》系列儿童幻想小说是世界幻想小说的里程碑似的作品。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母表中有26个字母。
- A cloud is a mass of vapor in the sky. 云是天空中的水汽团。