- It is almost the case that each X ray source exhibits its own brand of variability. 几乎每个x射线源都有自己的变化特点。
- Recently there has been considerable interested in the Thomson scattering between high energy laser and relativistic electron beam, and a new kind of X ray source named laser synchrotron source(LSS) has been discussed based on this principle. 利用强激光和相对论性电子束在任意相互作用方向发生的非线性Thomson散射理论,计算了平面偏振激光在相互作用角为180°、178.;5°和90°三种条件下发生Thomson散射所产生的X射线波长、相互作用时间等结果,并作出了178
- When will I know the result of my x ray? 我何时可以知道X光检查的结果?
- x ray source x 射线源
- effective X ray source 有效X光源
- X ray is increasingly used in industry as well. 在工业中X射线也得到了广泛应用。
- The x ray show a fractured ankle. X 光片显示足踝骨折。
- You shall have an x ray examination. 你应该作X光检查。
- Shall I use X ray to have a check? 是不是用X光透视一下?
- The dentist showed me the X ray of my teeth. 牙科医生把我牙齿的X光片拿给我看。
- High gain neon like Ar soft X ray laser driven by short prepulse and mainpulse laser[J]. 引用该论文 彭惠民;郑无敌;张覃鑫;陆培祥;张国平.
- Gravida's getting in touch with poisonous and harmful material(like mercury, lead, benzene, agrochemical, X ray) etc. will cause a birth defect. 孕妇接触有毒有害物质(如汞、铅、苯、农药、X射线)等会导致出生缺陷。
- From my basic medical knowledge I dunno how la.. So act like know lo.. Take d x Ray then look at it.. At leat I tried ok! 这种不要脸的东西我才不做,因为我可以做到的东西,不需要靠那套做法来点缀,给人假像,让别人觉得自己很厉害。
- The doctor took an X ray photograph of the chest of his patient. 医生给病人的胸部拍了一张X光片。
- Every time I listen to Karen Mok I feel like X'mas' coming, even that was a hot midsummer day... 很久没有看米兰的比赛的。高中时代总是会在星期日自习完之后飞快的回家看半场的意甲联赛。
- The hospital will arrange an X ray examination next week. 医院将在下周安排一次X光检查。
- It usually forms the pattern of "like X", in which the "X" is an predicative word. “样”一般与喻词“象”构成“象X样”结构,其"X"通常是体词性词语。
- An X ray of of a joint after the injection of a contrast medium. 填充上照影剂后用X射线照关节。
- Chest X ray realed infiltration in low lobes of lungs. 胸部X线 4 5例 (83.;7%25 )表现下肺斑片、片絮状阴影或肺纹理粗乱。
- The solution method is described in this paper and also the briefs of ray source shooting on the crawler. 文中介绍了解决这些问题的方法,并对用装在管道爬行器上的射线源拍片的方法作了简单介绍。