- People say that he is a nouveau riche. 据说他是个暴发户。
- Jennifer: Nouveau riche people. 詹妮弗:暴发户才那样呢。
- It's all just a little too nouveau riche to get much respect. 可怜暴发户一颗湿漉漉的心。
- The nouveau riche often make a vulgar display of their wealth. : 暴发户总是俗不可耐地炫耀其财富.
- In the future there is a chance that the nouveau riche could take advantage of capitalist-style democracy,” warns Mr. 未来,那些暴发户有可能会利用资本主义式民主。”
- One of the most striking symbols of Chinas nouveau riche excesses is getting a humble makeover. 它曾是显示中国新贵阔绰程度的一个最突出的标志,但如今,它开始转向低调。
- Certainly if you are a new nouveau riche, needs the villa from to live, regards as another matter. 当然如果你是个新的暴发户,需要别墅自住,另当别论。
- China’s newfound passion for Italian opera carries a touch of the nouveau riche. 中国对意大利歌剧刚刚燃起的热情有那么一点暴发户的感觉。
- This language belong to the privileged class,and she is a nouveau riche,just get the permit to study this,I spoosed. 我认为这可能是上流阶层独有的语言,而她是个暴发户,刚刚得到学习这种语言的资格。
- There is a distinctly Latin American feel about some parts of Chinese society today that goes beyond nouveau riche brashness. 如今,中国部分地区超出了暴发户式的傲慢,明显让人有一种拉美的感觉。
- In short , I know it all ,been there done that .but a real good egg. rich but not a nouveau riche type. 知识面广泛,同时在两三个领域里有一定的造诣,比如外语,包括英语和中文。还有水建与人事管理方面,总之是个老人精,但人不坏。
- However in the fan heart, the nouveau riche rocket still difficultly ascended the place of refinement, the official poll, showed this point at least. 不过在球迷心中,暴发户火箭仍难登大雅之堂,至少官方的民意调查,就说明了这一点。
- O. (ugly, fat, old) foreign passport holder, or pleather man-bag carrying nouveau riche Chinese businessman - this is not always the case. O”型(又丑又胖又老的)的外国护照持有者,或是跟了一位夹着仿皮男士手包的中国商界新贵,但并非总是这种情形。
- Just as a nouveau riche may squander his money to boost his image and inflate his ego, a country has the same temptation. 暴发户可能挥金如土来提升形象,自吹自擂。而一个国家大概也会面临同样的诱惑。
- Record numbers of children from China are enrolling in British public schools as the communist power's nouveau riche seek the cachet of a traditional English education. 随着共产主义国家中的一些暴发户开始寻找传统英国教育的荣誉标志,从中国前来英国的公学就读的孩子人数创下了新高。
- This has led politicians to upbraid the nouveau riche, though so far only in small ways: chastising them for leaving too much food on their plates at banquets, for example. 这导致了政治人物责咎暴富新贵,尽管到目前为止,还没有大事渲染。譬如,他们批评暴发户在宴会用餐时太多铺张浪费。
- To tap China's swelling wealth, Mr.Katzap started the Lion's Property Development Group in September to market high-end U.S. real estate to the China’s nouveau riche. 为了开发中国不断膨胀的财富,卡特扎普在去年9月创建了一家专门向中国新富阶层推销美国高端房地产的公司。
- A line that I happened to catch the other day goes like this: China's “nouveau riche” copied their taste from TV programs, commented foreign press.Sounds not unreasonable? 偶然看到一句话,称“外国评论认为中国的新高阶层的品味是从电视中学来的。”
- He is so nouveau riche. 他是一个暴发户。
- Only the nouveau riche flaunt. 暴发户才到处炫耀。