- Forcibly do sth without authorization opens garden, cause harm accident, give demote, fall kind of punishment, be in whole town notice of criticism. 强行擅自开园、造成伤害事故的,给予降级、降类处罚,并在全市通报批评。”
- Article 21 Where a construction enterprise is put under punishment cancellation of registration, abolishment of registration or closure, the enterprise may not undertake any works any more since arrival of the notice of punishment. 第21条营造业经撤销登记、废止登记或受停业之处分者,自处分书送达之次日起,不得再行承揽工程。
- Take notice of what I have told you. 注意我告诉你的事情。
- He always finds a way to wriggle out of punishment. 他总是能想出办法逃避惩罚。
- They are motivated by the twin goads of punishment and reward. 他们受赏与罚的双重因素所激励。
- They have received notice of a typhoon approaching. 他们已收到台风即将来临的预报。
- Don't take any notice of others' comments. 不要理会别人的议论。
- Take no notice of his threats they're sheer bravado. 别理会他的威胁--完全是虚张声势。
- The engine can withstand a great deal of punishment. 这台发动机坚固耐用。
- A race car can withstand a great deal of punishment. 赛车非常坚固耐用。
- Expulsion from school is a harsh form of punishment. 开除学籍是严厉的惩罚。
- The movers gave me a scant hour's notice of their arrival. 搬家的人只通知给我们短短的一小时,他们就来了。
- Take no notice of him you know what a show-off he is. 别理睬他--你知道他多喜欢卖弄。
- Crime has its sequence of punishment. 罪行带来惩罚的结果。
- The fear of punishment remains as to its substance. 对惩罚的恐惧仍是其核心问题。
- He took not notice of his father's threat. 他不理会他父亲的恐吓。
- Don't take any notice of what they say. 别去理会他们说些什么。
- Expulsion from school is a harshform of punishment. 开除学籍是严厉的惩罚。
- We require immediate notice of a change of address. 地址若变更请立刻通知。
- Many people talk about the severity and extensity of punishment. 许多人在谈论有关惩罚的宽严轻重。