- notes receivable discounted 应收票据贴现
- note receivable discount 应收票据贴现
- notes and bills receivable discounted 已贴现应收票据
- Provide the list of Notes receivable, check and pursue the receivable bill. 提供应收票据的明细表,处理应收票据的核算与追踪等。
- Most early organization of automobile financial service is GMAC set up by American General Motors Company in 1919,GMAC accept or discount account and note receivable from dealer of General Motors specially. 最早的汽车金融服务机构是1919年美国通用汽车设立的通用汽车票据承兑公司,该公司专门承兑或贴现通用汽车经销商的应收账款票据。
- A promi ory note is regarded as notes receivable for the payee and notes payable for the maker. 本票对受款人来说是应收票据,对出票人来说则是应付票据。
- The amount of notes receivable is, of course, equivalent to that of notes payable. 当然,应收票据金额与应付票据金额相等。
- A promissory note is regarded as notes receivable for the payee and notes payable for the maker. 本票对受款人来说是应收票据,对出票人来说则是应付票据。
- Note receivable of $5 collected by bank (credit memorandum) was not record in cash receipts journal. 由银行代收的应收票据(贷项通知单)5美元,未记入现金收入日记账中。
- Article 49 Accounts receivable and notes receivable shall be evaluated at their respective amounts less deductions for estimated allowance for bad debts. 第49条(预计备抵呆帐)应收帐款及应收票据债权之估价,应以其扣除预计备抵呆帐后之数额为标准。
- Notes receivable which can be collected and converted into cash during next accounting year or operating cycle are cla ified as current a ets and are recorded at face value. 能在下一个会计年度或下一个经营周期收回和转换成现金的应收票据,归入流动资产,并按面值入帐。
- Notes receivable, IOUs, postdate checks, and uncollected customers' check--returned by the bank stamped "NSF"(not sufficient funds)-- are not included in the accountants' definition of cash. 应收票据、欠条、远期支票以及银行盖上"存款不足"的戳记后退回的未能收讫的顾客支票,不能包括在会计上所称的现金定义中。
- The balance sheet valuation standard applied to receivables. Equal to the gross amount of accounts and notes receivable, less an estimate of the portion that may prove to be uncollectible. 可实现净值,是应用于应收款项的资产负债表计价标准。等于应收账款和应收票据总额减去估计不能收回的部分。
- Notes receivable represent mainly bank acceptance bill received for sales of goods and products. 应收票据主要为销售商品或产品而收到的银行承兑汇票。
- In addition to cash, current a ets typically include temporary investments in marketable securities, notes receivable, accounts receivable, merchandise inventory and prepaid expe e. 除了现金,典型的流动资产还包括短期投资,包括可交易证券、应收票据、应收账款、存货和预付费用。
- Notes receivable , IOUs, postdate checks, and uncollected customers' check--returned by the bank stamped "NSF"(not sufficient funds)-- are not included in the accountants' definition of cash. 应收票据、欠条、远期支票以及银行盖上"存款不足"的戳记后退回的未能收讫的顾客支票,不能包括在会计上所称的现金定义中。
- The two major types of receivables are accounts receivable and notes receivable. 应收项目的两种主要类型是应收帐款和应收票据。
- These goods will be sold at a discount. 这些货物将减价出售。
- Receivables and prepayments include notes receivable, ac- counts receivable, other receivables, accounts prepaid anc prepaid expenses, etc. 应收及预付款各项包括:应收票据、受帐款、他应收款、付帐款、摊费用等。
- If so, we'll certainly give you a discount. 如果这样,我方肯定会给你折扣的。