- She has not one dram of learning. 她一点学问也没有。
- I'm not one of those people who go in for dieting. 我不是那种习惯于限制饮食的人。
- It' s a bad habit to leave one' s work half done. 工作做了一半就丢开,是个坏习惯。
- He has many faults, but vanity is not one of them. 他有很多缺点,但并没有虚荣心。
- When they set to work, not one of them is lax. 他们干起活儿来,哪个也不稀松。
- He is not one of the proletariat. 他不是无产阶级的一员。
- I get angry very easily and am not one to suffer fools gladly. 我是个易怒的人,决无耐心与蠢人周旋。
- She gets angry very easily and is not one to suffer fools gladly. 她很易发火,容不得人傻乎乎地瞎说。
- A doctor' s work is very satisfying. 当个医生是很令人满意的。
- I'm not one of those people.I'm gonna have to work at it. 我不是其中的一个,我必须努力。
- It' s unfair to devalue anyone' s work unjustly. 不公正地贬低任何人的工作都是不公平的。
- He's got dozens of suits but not one of them is presentable. 他有几十套衣服,却没有一套像样的。
- After a hard day 's work, it 's good to unwind . 一天劳累的工作之后,放松一下很有好处。
- He' s always missing when there' s work to be done. 一到干活儿的时候; 他就不见了.
- It is not one writer's business to censure others. 一个作家的职责并不是去责难其他的作家。
- Subtitle I want Marketing to see X's work. (字幕)我还想看X的作品。
- He is not one to take up readily with new ideas. 他并不是乐意接受新观念的人。
- Maspero, was to continue Mariette’s work. 加斯顿.;马斯伯乐继续了玛里埃特的工作。
- Joe is not one to blow his brains out. 乔不是个肯卖力干活的人。
- Computer is not one of our best- selling line. 电子计算机不是我们最畅销的系列产品。