- Not being fond of learning, he ran away from home. 由于不喜欢读书,他就离家出走了。
- Chinese people are sentimentally attached to their land deeply.Extravagation around the world is not been fond of. 中国人对土地有着深深的眷恋,四海漂泊不为中国人所喜。
- Be fond of warm and wet climate and deep and fecund arenaceous qualitative loam, do not be able to bear or endure freezing, drought and seeper. 喜暖和湿润的气候和深厚肥沃的砂质壤土;不耐严寒.;干旱和积水。
- The enumeration in the Constitution of certain shall not be construed to deny or others retained by the people. 译文:本宪法对某些权利的列举,不得被解释为否定或轻视由人民保留的其他权利。
- We will be in charge of certain media coverage of same, and we will not be tolerating any inappropriate media coverage. 我们将主导某些媒体,并将不容忍任何不实的媒体。
- You must not be governed by the opinions of others. 你决不要受别人意见的支配。
- This waste of good food should not be allowed. 浪费食物是不允许的。
- This should not be a matter of indifference to you. 这对你而言不能说是无关紧要的事。
- Do not be envious of your neighbors. 不要妒忌你的邻居。
- You cannot be the master of your own fate. 你无法决定自己的命运。
- The freedom of speech should not be abridged. 言论自由不应受限制。
- You should not be so unmindful of your health. 你不应如此不注意自己的健康。
- We must not be blind to the suffering of others. 我们不能对他人的痛苦视而不见。
- You should not be contemptuous of underprivileged people. 你不应该看不起无权无势的人。
- Relatedly, individuals lacking a sense of smell may not be able to distinguish between certain foods solely on the basis of their taste. 与之相关的是,独立缺乏某种嗅觉的感知的人在品尝食物时,可能不能区分出某些食物。
- Extension of validity of bid shall normally not be requested. 一般来说不应要求延长投标有效期限。
- A butterfly must not be confused with a moth. 不得将蝴蝶和飞蛾混同起来。
- I admit I could not be so far ben as Ivan. 我承认我不能像伊文一样受到赏识。
- In the absence of friction belted machinery would not be used. 没有摩擦力,皮带传动的机器就无法使用。
- Education should not be restricted to any one specific age group. 教育不应限制在任何特定的年龄组上。