- I have a bad headache and my nose run a lot. 我头痛得很厉害,而且我的鼻涕很多。
- Every time I catch a cold, my nose runs. 每次我感冒都流鼻涕。
- Please send for a doctor. His eyes and nose runs. 请个医生来,他流眼泪和鼻涕。
- Everytime I catch a cold, my nose runs. 我一感冒就流鼻涕。
- The drug is used to treat symptoms induced by common colk or epidemic influenza like sternutatio,nose running and nasal obstruction. 用于普通感冒或流行性感冒引起的喷嚏、流鼻涕、鼻塞等症状的治疗。
- Across the bridge of her nose ran an adorable little line of freckles. 鼻梁上长着一排惹人心疼的小雀斑。
- Is your nose running? 你鼻子流鼻涕吗?
- Be your nose running? 你鼻子流鼻涕吗?
- The product is used as over-the-counter drug for subcalorism.The drug is used to treat symptoms induced by common colk or epidemic influenza like sternutatio,nose running and nasal obstruction. 本品为感冒用药类非处方药药品。用于普通感冒或流行性感冒引起的喷嚏、流鼻涕、鼻塞等症状的治疗。
- Pollen makes my nose run. 花粉使我流鼻涕。
- His thin long nose ran out as if it was eager to bore into the nature of things in general. 他的细长的鼻子直往前钻,仿佛世界上的事情他都要钻个透似的。
- Allergies can make eyes water, noses run, and drive even the calmest people crazy. 过敏会让人流泪、流鼻涕,还会让平常温和的人抓狂。
- I wrinkled up my nose at the nasty smell. 我闻到那股难闻的味,皱起了鼻子。
- It's important for the college freshman to keep his nose clean. 对大学新生而言洁身自好是很重要的。
- The child's nose runs. 这孩子流鼻涕。
- Some bright spark has left the tap running all night. 哪个小淘气干的聪明事,让水龙头开了一夜。
- That reporter has a nose for news. 那位新闻记者对新闻特别敏感。
- His cough had slackened, but his nose was still running. 他的咳嗽减弱了,但还在流鼻涕。
- Any nose may ravage with impunity a Rose. 任何一个鼻子都可以夺走蔷薇的芳香而不受惩罚。
- The girl's long skirt encumber her while running. 这女孩子的长裙在她跑的时候阻碍她的行动。