- North South high-lying low, undulating. 地势南高北低,起伏不平。
- China borders many countries on its north,south and west. 中国的北部、南部西部和许多国家接壤。
- It is Italian north South Tirol and a place to be summoned to. 是被叫意大利的北部的南面蒂罗尔的所。
- The YuanYang Hu Hotel is seated between YuanYang Hu which is famous for its beautiful lakefront, beautiful mountains, perfect view and the Kite field of the south world. 本宾馆座落于依山傍水、山青水秀、风景秀丽享有阳江市十大美景之一称誉的鸳鸯湖畔,面对南国风筝场。
- Researchers at UNC in China studied more than 750 Chinese men women, aged between 40 59, in three rural villages in north south China. 北卡罗林娜大学在中国的研究者选取了750名以上的男性和女性居民,他们来自中国南部和北部的三个乡村地区,年龄在40到59岁之间。
- They from north south present Gu line to distributing in bank of madder of peace and tranquility, comprise a long and narrow half moon form roughly. 它们自北而南呈现孤线分布在太平洋西岸,大致组成一个狭长的半月外形。
- North south snows the sunlight to be actually brilliant, is ten days half month-long, the disaster situation also continues in the seat of monarchical government. 南方下雪北方却阳光烂漫,一下就是十天半个月的,灾情还在廷续中。
- The west route project of the North South Water Transfer, very unique in its scale, is located in a region with a very special topography, climate and tectonic environment. 南水北调西线工程的自然环境、区域地质环境和经济技术环境都具有特殊性,区内工程地质勘察特别是隧洞工程的勘察具有较大的难度。
- We only observe the small portion of the magnetic field that extends to the surface and beyond,where its basic structure is a dipole that is,a simple north south field like that of a simple bar magnet. 我们仅仅观察到扩展到地表和地表以外的磁场的一小部分,在这里它的基本结构是一个偶极子,就像一个简单的棒磁铁一样是一个简单的南北极磁场。
- We only observe the small portion of the magnetic field that extends to the surface and beyond, where its basic structure is a dipole that is, a simple north south field like that of a simple bar magnet. 我们仅仅观察到扩展到地表和地表以外的磁场的一小部分,在这里它的基本结构是一个偶极子,就像一个简单的棒磁铁一样是一个简单的南北极磁
- Zhen Zhai is located at the south bank of the secondary Fenhe emei hills and terraces between the southern hills, northern Pingchuan terrain north south high-low, at an altitude of 830-480 m between. 翟店镇位于汾河南岸二级阶地与峨嵋丘陵之间,南部为丘陵,北部为平川,地势南高北低,海拔在830米至480米之间。
- West County is located in 3 kilometers to the east ancient pottery town, the West and Nanjing Fenhe Zhen separated across the north south governance Township, south Jiexiu City Habitat. 位于县城西3公里,东邻古陶镇,西与宁固镇隔汾河相望,北连南政乡,南接介休市境。
- North America is part of the New World. 北美是新世界的一部分。
- North America has the world's best climate for wild grapes. 北美的气候是世界上最适合野生葡萄生长的。
- One of them went North, the other went South. 他们一个往北走,一个向南走。
- North, south, east, and west are the four cardinal points of the compass. 东、西、南、北是罗盘上的四个方位基点。
- A unit of currency in North Korea and South Korea. 朝鲜和韩国的一种货币单位
- He flew to Europe via the North Pole. 他经由北极飞到欧洲。
- South is opposite north on a compass. 罗盘上南与北是相对的。
- Mexico is in the south of North America. 墨西哥在北美洲南部。