- The north edge of this region is the remarkable transition of the climate from middle subtropics to north subtropics and topography from the west plateau land to the east plain and hilly land. 其北部边缘区处于我国中部地区,气候由中亚热带向北亚热带过渡,地貌由西部高山高原向东部丘陵平原过渡。
- Canada and North East Asia: China, Japan, and the Koreas. 加拿大与东北亚:中国,日本和朝,韩。
- The ash may be from the north east of theDatong coal field. 火山灰可能来自大同煤田东北方向。
- In north east England, the North Sea gave us a splendid view. 在英格兰东北,遥望北海,我们感受到大自然的壮阔美丽。
- Zarqawi's activities are not confined to this small corner of north east Iraq. 扎卡威的活动并不局限在伊拉克东北部这个角落。
- Fixed a terrain issue where Zulus were stuck above the north east cave. 修正了僵尸在东北方向山洞中会造成聚集的问题。
- Water samples were eollected from the lakes in East plain, Yungui plateau and Mengxing plateau since 1993.Mineralized degree were analyzed using volumetry and flame photometry. 1993年以来,对东部平原、云贵高原、蒙新高原等地区主要湖泊采取水样,进行了湖水矿化度分析,分析方法为容量分析法和火焰分光光度法。
- The fruiterers, vegeters, and legumaters, also lived in the North East quarter. 种果树的人、种蔬菜的人、豆类种植者也生活在东北部。
- And, North East Asia has really become a major force technologically. 并且东北亚在科学技术方面真正地成为了一重要力量。
- Western Scotland is fringed by the large archipelago known as the Hebrides and to the north east of the Scottish mainland are Orkney and Shetland. 苏格兰西部是赫布里底群岛,苏格兰本土东北部是奥克尼郡和设得兰群岛。
- As usual,factories in the north east,the products are exported from Dalian Port. 通常情况下,东北地区的工厂,产品是从大连港出口。
- Mr Prescott then paid visits to the rapidly-developing cities of Shenyang and Dalian in the North East of China. 随后,普雷斯科特先生亲赴东北参观了高速发展中的沈阳和大连两座城市。
- Can I say a big thank you to the North East Lincolnshire Council and the local people, and thank you too for the capital town of Grimsby. 我还要感谢东北林肯郡政府和人民,感谢濒临英格兰东海岸的首府之城格里姆斯比。
- Obesity levels for children aged two-to-10 were highest in the north east and London, the survey found. 二到十岁儿童的肥胖等级,在英国东北部和伦敦最高,这项调查发现。
- The others investing that week included North East Lincolnshire, Redcar &Cleveland, Restormel, Havering and Bridgnorth. 东北林肯郡、雷德卡-克利夫兰、瑞斯特姆、海富瑞和布里奇诺等地区的管理机构也同时往冰岛存款。
- His MacDougall allies cleared the west, whilst he struck through the north east. 华勒斯的盟军-麦道高-横扫整个西部,而他则打穿整个东北部。
- Some years later we moved to Rourkela, a small mining town in the north east, near Jamshedpur. 若干年后,我们举家迁往位于东北面靠近贾姆谢德布尔市的一个小矿镇。
- STV is gank city, but it isn't as bad as people tell.Just head to the north east and farm the Adventure Co.Geologists. 本系列反击式破碎机与锤式破碎机相比,反击式破碎机的破碎比更大,并能更充分地利用整个转子的高速冲击能量。
- Zhai Xiang north east, south, Silver rural township, westyu xiang River, Babbitt township, north town agency. 东邻北寨乡,南接银郊乡,西连河峪乡、白壁乡,北接社城镇。
- Geothermal system characteristics in East Plain of Henan province 河南省东部平原地热系统的基本特征