- Both normal time and alarm time are displayed using the same hour and minute. 正常时间和闹钟时间都是通过同样的小时和分钟(位置)显示的。
- Generally, We use these greeting words before or atfer normal time for dinner. 一般,在正常的用餐时间的前后,我们常用这些问候语。
- In normal times, the question would seem ludicrous. 若在平时,这个问题看起来有些可笑。
- The key feature: an Express Chill and Express Thaw drawer, which cools a bottle of wine or softens a frozen steak in a fraction of the normal time. 主要特色:一个特快冷冻和特快融化抽屉(它能够冷冻一瓶酒或融化一块冷冻的牛排,所用时间仅为正常时间的零头。
- One warm August night he didn't return at his normal time,and the next morning he showed up,gasping for air and bloody around the neck. 8月里一个暖和的夜晚,"小淘气"没有按时回来,第二天早上才露面。他大口喘气,脖子上都是血。
- Normal time from Board approval of a proposal to grant agreement signing should be 6 months. 从理事会批准项目到签署赠款协议的正常时间间隔为6个月。
- Up-to-date normal time deposit rates will be available to customers at the time of application. 最新的定期存款息率可于客户开户时提供予客户参考。
- At normal time, she is a sassy girl. Today she still wants sleep, so looks very tender - says the bookshop owner. 她平常是很恰的,因为刚睡醒,非常温柔。老闆娘讲的。
- In normal times, this might be dismissed as so much posturing. 一般情况下,这样的大拿姿态可能会遭非议。
- In normal times, this would be a ludicrous question. 在正常时期,这会是个可笑的问题。
- David Healy, who had scored a penalty in normal time, missed for Leeds, as did Rob Hulse with their fourth kick. 利滋的海利在90分钟内点球得分,但在点球大战时罚失,另外,胡斯在第四轮罚球时也没有罚进。
- Force-Process: Develop film for longer than the normal time to compensate for underexposure. 增感冲洗:用比正常时间要长的时间冲洗胶片,以补偿曝光不足。
- However substitute Mido equalised with a close-range header five minutes from the end of normal time. 然而热刺替补米多在正常比赛时间结束前5分钟的时候近距离头槌扳平。
- The key feature: an Express Chill and Express Thaw drawer,which cools a bottle of wine or softens a frozen steak in a fraction of the normal time. 主要特色:一个特快冷冻和特快融化抽屉(它能够冷冻一瓶酒或融化一块冷冻的牛排,所用时间仅为正常时间的零头。
- Convertible Deposit allows you two weeks to enjoy interest returns higher than normal time deposits when exchange rate fluctuation is low. 高息外币投资存款助您于汇价窄幅波动时,赚取比一般定期存款更高之利息收益。
- And the Magdalenian Girl's impacted wisdom teeth, which had failed to emerge at the normal time, provide new clues about the dietary changes of humans. 马格达林期少女的包埋在牙床中的智齿,在正常的情况下还没有萌出,为人类食物的改变提供了新的线索。
- He came on 11 minutes from the end of normal time with the score 0-0 as Finland hosted Denmark. The visitors won with a last minute goal. 此役芬兰坐阵主场迎战丹麦,终场前11分钟场上比分仍为0-0时他替补上场。客队凭借最后一分钟的进球取胜。
- In normal time Andreas Johansson gave Wigan the lead, before David Healy volleyed in, only for Jason Roberts' shot to make it 2-1 on 50 minutes. 在海利进第一个球之前,约汉森的进球使维冈领先,罗伯茨在第50分钟的进球把比分改写为2-1。
- When Jimmy Floyd Hasselbaink was sent on with a minute of normal time left, Chelsea fans gave him as big a welcome as home fans. 当常规时间还剩一分钟吉米弗洛依德-哈塞尔巴因克被换上场时,切尔西球迷像主队球迷一样对他报以盛大欢迎。
- In normal time, our country city lacks water 6 billion stere, but the phenomenon of wasteful water natural resources however everywhere is visible. 在正常年份,我国城市缺水60亿立方米,但浪费水资源的现象却随处可见。