- This amount is added to the normal value and can also be negative. 此值将被加到通常的值上,可以为负值。
- The normal value of ASSR was not influenced by sex and ears. ASSR正常值不受性别、耳别的影响;
- Instead, it comes up with its own calculation of“ normal value” based on costs in other“ surrogate” countries. 相反,它提出要采用以其它一些“参照国”的生产成本为基础来计算“标准价值”的方法。
- The margin of dumping is the amount by which the export price of an imported product is less than its normal value. 第六条进口产品的出口价格低于其正常价值的幅度,为倾销幅度。
- The subrogate country system is a special system for non-market economy country to calculate the normal value. 替代国制度是反倾销法中针对非市场经济国家的一种特殊的计算正常价值方法的制度。
- How much should the normal value with exsanguinate endocrine examination be? When to check more appropriate? 抽血检查内分泌的正常值应该是多少?什么时候查比较合适?
- Results The bladder neck stenosis and the uroflow ratio were signficant diference from the normal value(P<0.01). 结果膀胱肿瘤患者膀胱颈口大小、尿流率与正常成人存在着明显差异(P<0.;01)。
- The normalized value that is assigned to an e-mail message. 分配到电子邮件中的规范化值。
- The STANDARDIZE() function calculates a normalized value. 函数计算规格化的数值。
- When FSH value was 2 times larger than the upper limit of normal value,the seminiferous tub... 同时患者性欲下降,出现高促性腺激素性性腺功能低下症。
- Results The maximum normal value of total CTT was 56 h, it was prolonged in 15 of 25 consti-pated patients. 在最后1周复查CTT,比较服药前后CTT的变化。
- And it also offer EMG standard figure, normal value data, nerve and muscle select scheme etc, for reference. 同时系统给出肌电图标准图形、正常值数据、神经和肌肉选择方案及诊断标准等,可供随时参考。
- Results:Normal value databank of each sector surface area was established on male and female noses. 结果:初步建立男女外鼻各区域表面积正常值数据库框架;
- Objective:To investigate the normal value of DPOAE and effect of intensity differ of probe tone. 目的:探讨畸变产物耳声发射的正常值及探测音强度差对其的影响。
- Symmetry index normal value databank of each sector surfacc area was established on male and female noses. 初步建立男女外鼻各区域表面积对称指数数据库框架。
- Preliminary study on the normal values of thoracolumbar vertebral wedge index. 胸腰椎楔形指数正常值的初步探讨。
- The status MDX expression should return a normalized value between -1 and 1. 状态MDX表达式应当返回一个介于-1和1之间的规范化值。
- Results showed that TP, ALP were higher than that of normal value but ALB, LDL, ALT were lower, the other indexes were the same as sheep. 结果表明:与绵羊临床正常生化指标相比,卡羊的总蛋白、性磷酸酶测定值偏高;白蛋白、密度脂蛋白胆固醇、丙转氨酶测定值偏低;其它指标都在正常值范围内。
- The InterFax News quoted Laqibunike, Moscow medical head, that carbon monoxide contained in the air had already surpassed 20% than the normal value. 国际传真社引述莫斯科医疗首长拉齐布尼克的话说,空气中所含一氧化碳成分已超出正常值百分之二十。
- The normal value of Arden ratio was established according to the physiological development, and the age groups were divided into three categories. 以生理发育过程为年龄分组的依据,建立了Arden比值的正常值。