- normal lighting system 正常照明系统
- In normal light, the leaves are lime-green and the tentacles red. 一般光线下则只有触手是红色,植株为青绿色。
- They will install a heating and lighting system in our house. 他们将在我们家装上供热供电系统。
- This article introduced a intellectualized traffic light system's design. 本文介绍了一个智能化的交通灯系统的设计。
- Because of the natural color diamonds, are in fact difficult to be distinguished under normal lighting. 因为钻石的天然色泽,在正常照明下很难分辨出。
- An experimental solar lighting system in an above-ground cupola follows the sun with moving plastic mirrors. 在地面上一个钟形阁楼里的试验性太阳照明系统用移动的塑料镜跟踪太阳。
- Lights out. Turn out normal lights and work under a light red safelight. 关灯:关掉普通的灯,打开安全灯。
- Lighting system comprising light sources shielded by a panel parallel to the wall at the top of a window. 由在窗户顶部被与墙面平行的挡板遮蔽的光源组成的照明系统。
- So once Tesla had his arc lighting system running in Rahway, his backers fired him and reorganized the firm. 所以特士拉才刚在拉威市架设好他的电弧照明系统,他的资助者就将他解雇并重组公司。
- The room was alight in a comfortable red glow, allowing Dinin to shift his eyes from the infrared to the normal light spectrum. 这个房间被一道舒适的红色光辉点亮,让狄宁能由红外线视觉转换到正常光谱。
- The theater, with dancing facility and the stage lighting system, can meet the general performance. E. 有影剧场,舞美设施和舞台照明系统能满足一般演出需要;
- Without dark adaptation plan person, can use a patient the normal light of be good at eye or scrutator becomes aware undertake contrasting determining for the standard. 无暗适应计者,可利用患者健眼或检查者的正常光觉为标准进行对比测定。
- Chapter seven compares the traditional lighting system & the home intelligentcontrol system and shows a lighting instance of the EIB system. 第七章对照明系统的发展进行回顾,搭建了一个基于EIB协议的智能照明应用演示系统,并于市场层面对几大协议进行比较。
- For years, astronomers have been putting special lenses on telescopes in order to give them different kinds of views of the Universe beyond normal light. 许多年来,天文学家们已经在望远镜上放了特殊的镜片,以用来带给他们超越正常光线的另一种宇宙景色。
- The detection and control function of lighting system and its control mode in BAS are introduced briefly. 简述了建筑设备监控系统中照明系统的检测与控制功能及控制方式。
- Product display: workstation, cabinet, tool cart, plastic bin, parts box, shelving, racking, flow rack, pick to light system, and creform system. 物流设备展示:包括:线棒、工具柜、工作桌、刀具车、刀具柜、周转箱、零件盒、货架、滑移式货架、拣选系统--按灯拣选(电子标签)等展示。
- The EIB bus in smart building lighting system is studied and the EIB bus protocol is analyzed. 文章对楼宇智能照明系统中的EIB总线进行了研究,对EIB总线协议进行分析。
- PLC therefore will now be applied to more and more traffic lights system. 因此现在将PLC越来越多地应用于交通灯系统中。
- The programmed LED lighting system gives three options of digital display: jazzy, funky, or no display. 方案的LED照明系统提供三种选择的数字显示:爵士乐,时髦的,或没有显示。
- The theater, with dancing facility and the stage lighting system, can meet the general performance. 有影剧场,舞美设施和舞台照明系统能满足一般演出需要;