- normal force coefficient 法向力系数
- When considering external asperity, friction coefficient decreases with increase of follow deformat and normal force. 考虑表面微凸时,摩擦系数随着变形量的增加,法向压力的增加,摩擦系数呈现下降的趋势;
- For sliding contact, the coefficient of kinetic friction Uk is defined as the ratio of the frictional force to the normal force. 滑动接触时,动摩擦系数Uk的定义是摩擦力与法向力的比率。
- Normal force of the total weight of the payload and the carriage. 载荷与支架总重的法向力。
- The authors recommend the selected values of the air drag coefficient of ships, in addition to the approximate formula for the longitudinal positions of the action point of the normal force. 文章对试验结果进行了初步的分析比较,提出了水面船舶空气迎面阻力系数的取值范围及法向力作用点前后位置的近似计算公式,供读者参考。
- The origin of the normal force is similar to the origin of tension in a string. 法向力的起源与绳子上的张力的起源相似。
- Since the maximum driving friction force is proportional to contact normal force and frictional coefficient, the skidding occurs at the smaller normal force and frictional coefficient. 研磨轴对滚珠的驱动摩擦力与接触正向力、磨擦系数两者成正比,理论上其值愈大,愈不利于滑动发生。
- With the increase of the relative velocity, the variations of side force coefficient and yawing moment coefficient of the overtaken vehicle will increase linearly. 被超车侧向力系数和横摆力矩系数的变化量随两车相对车速的增加呈线性增加的趋势。
- The desquamating grade of diamond and the holding force coefficient between matrix and diamond were suggested as new concepts. 提出了金刚石的脱落度和胎体材料对金刚石的把持力系数的新概念。
- With the increase of relative velocity, the variations of side force coefficient and yawing moment coefficient of overtaken vehicle will increase linearly. 被超车侧向力系数和横摆力矩系数的变化量随两车相对车速的增加呈线性增加的趋势。
- Three main problems caused by normal force when linear motor was used in machine tool were presented. 发现了法向吸力在直线电机的实际应用中导致的推力波动问题、装配问题和机床隔磁问题。
- Enhancement of the vortical effect can benefit both the side force and the normal force. 涡系诱导作用增强,对侧向力和法向力都有增值。
- The relationship between the contact normal force, area of tire footprint, and footprint of tire under different radius of drum was discussed. 分析了轮胎在不同转鼓半径下的接触法向力、接触面积和接触印痕之间的关系。
- The relation between deformation of bar under normal force and node displacement is analyzed and applied to setting up compatibility equations of deformation for statically indeterminate problems. 摘要分析了轴向拉压杆件的变形与杆端结点位移之间的关系,并将其应用于拉压超静定问题变形协调方程的建立。
- back electromotive force coefficient 反电势系数
- minimum breaking force coefficient 最小破断拉力系数
- Based on the Hertz Contact Theory which the cylinder was only acted by the normal force, the problem that the cylinder was contacted with the plane in the normal force and a little torque was studied. 在仅作用有法向载荷的赫兹接触理论的基础上,对同时作用法向载荷及小的转矩的圆柱与平面的接触问题进行了研究。
- Fnormalized tire force coefficient 见cornering stiffness coefficient
- The finite element method was used to model situations where an indenter applies normal forces to a coated or uncoated aluminum substrate. 应用有限元法对由压头向涂层或未涂层铝基体施加正压力的情况进行模拟。
- Based on the analysis result,practical seismic force coefficients for single-layer latticed cylindrical shells are proposed. 在大量统计分析的基础上,归纳出可供实际工程设计参考的地震内力系数建议取值。