- The radio relieves the monotony of everyday life. 收音机缓解了我们日常生活的单调状况。
- I can see how English is used in everyday life as well. 我还可以看到在日常生活中是怎样使用英语的。
- The book gives a good picture of everyday life in ancient rome. 那部书对古罗马人的日常生活描写得很生动。
- normal everyday life 译文 人们的寿命越来越长,因此越来越多的中年人必须照顾年迈的父母。当父母生活不能自理时,这些中年人必须呆在家里照顾他们。照顾老人绝非易事。比如说父母一旦双目失明,子女则需要承担大量的日常护理工作。父母
- There was everyday life before honest Dobbin. 老实的都宾眼前仍旧是现实生活。
- The flood of the sea is a normal everyday occurrence. 海水出现涨潮是每天都会发生的正常现象。
- He got them from his everyday life. 这些都是由日常生活的历练得来的。
- Prudence is wisdom in everyday life. 在日常生活中,谨慎就是智慧。
- But his normal everyday playboy life is severely disrupted as his elder (evil) sister Suzuko assigns him the job of taking care of Yuzuyu. 女人后来嫁人了,新郎当然不是他。男人除了上那种没什麽钱的班,吃饭之外,又写一些她看也不想看的稿子。
- In Sweden, legends exist in people's everyday life. 在瑞典,人们的日常生活中有许多传说。
- Everyday life becomes boring by comparison. 相比之下,日常生活枯燥乏味。
- She hated the dreariness of her everyday life. 她讨厌平日索然无味的生活。
- The Internet has become part of everyday life. 互联网已成为日常生活的一部份。
- His stories are too remote from everyday life. 他的小说所描写的内容与日常生活相距太远。
- So as to get familiar with the everyday life there. 作家每天去那村子,为的是想了解那儿的日常生活。
- Say something about your everyday life here? 说说你这儿的日常生活。
- What happens next is everyday life. 接下来发生的是每天的生活。
- You cannot acquire HIV through the normal everyday activity which every one of us does throughout our lives. 我们每个人一生中每天从事的正常活动是不会传染这种病毒的。
- There's no time for formality in everyday life. 在日常生活中没有时间讲礼节。
- Computers are becoming a part of our everyday life. 电子计算机正渐渐成为我们日常生活的一部分。