- nonweighted number system 非加权数系统
- A number system written to the base two notation. 一种使用以2为基数的记数法的数制。
- We say that the real number system is a continuum. 我们讲,实数系是一个连续集。
- The binary number system has two as its base. 二进制数字系统是以2为基数的。
- The number that is raised to various powers to generate the principal counting units of a number system. 乘方数被提升到各种乘方上,产生数字系统内基本计算规则的数字
- The next page will describe the Base 10 number system. 下一页将描述以10为基底的数字系统。
- By the conclusions above, we can go to another number system. 用以上的结论,我们可以学习另一个数字系统。
- You can choose your own numbering system. 您可以选择自己的编号系统。
- The digits following the prefix must be appropriate for the number system. 跟在前缀后面的数字必须适合于数制。
- All the computers now being used are based on the binary number system. 现在所使用的一切计算机都以二进制为基础。
- Binary digit: The digits used in the binary number system; i.e.: a 0 or a 1. 二进制数字:是二进制数所用的数字;它们是“0”或“1”。
- Pertaining to a numbering system with base of sixteen. 用以说明以16为底的记数制。同sexadecimal。
- Another direct yarn numbering system is the tex system. 另一个定长制纱线细度度量系统是特克斯系统。
- I couldn't work out the numbering system for the hotel rooms. 我搞不清楚酒店房间的编号系统。
- The Linux kernel sources have a very simple numbering system. Linux核心代码的版本编号很简单。
- It is occasionally necessary to use a number system to designate the position of each ligand. 有时需要用一种编号系统来标明各配体的位置。
- The same numbering system must be used for all samples. 所有的样本必须使用同一计数系统。
- The basic prerequisite for reading this book is a familiarity with the real number system. 阅读本书必须熟悉实数系。
- The question of the logical structure of the real number system was faced squarely. 实数系的逻辑结构问题被正视。
- A number system to the base(radix)2, in which the ones and zeroes have a weighted value in accordance with their relative position in the binary word. 一种以2为基数的记数制,其中的“1”和“0”按照它们在二进制数中的相对位置而具有相应的加权值。