- nonspecific innate immunity 非特异性天然免疫, 非特异性自然免疫
- Macrophages play central roles in innate immunity and are an important bridge between innate and adaptive immunity. 巨噬细胞是天然免疫中一类十分重要的效应细胞, 在天然免疫和获得性免疫中起关键的桥梁作用。
- Defensive mechanisms based upon germline-encoded receptors constitute a system of innate immunity. 遗传而来的受体所建立的防御机制为天然免疫系统。
- Clearance of apoptotic cells rapidly by phagocytes is important in innate immunity to maintain cell homeostasis. 在先天性免疫系统中,死亡细胞快速地被巨噬细胞清除,对于维持细胞的恒定扮演了重要的角色。
- Innate immunity, long shrouded in oblivion, has suddenly become the belle of the ball. 长久以来遭到忽视遗忘的先天免疫系统,突然之间,成了舞会中人人争相邀约的美女。
- Aim Airway epithelial cells play important roles in innate immunity and inflammatory responses in the airways. 目的呼吸道上皮细胞在固有免疫和炎症反应中都扮演重要角色。
- Innate immunity has a great role in the protection of infection,but it can also leads to autoimmunity when over activated. 天然免疫对保护机体免受微生物感染具有重要作用,同时天然免疫在过度激活的情况下又能够导致自身免疫病。
- Combatants of innate immunity include NK (natural killer) cells, macrophages, dendritic cells as well as other neutrophils. 另一方面,我们看到获得性免疫在控制病毒方面也起重要作用。
- Rapidly mobilized arms of innate immunity, including phagocytic leukocytes, complement, and proinflammatory cytokines, contribute to atherogenesis. 快速启动的天然免疫,包括吞噬性粒细胞、补体和致炎细胞因子,都促进动脉粥样硬化的形成。
- Central to innate immunity is the sensing of pathogen-associated molecular patterns by cytosolic and membrane-associated receptors. 细胞浆型或者细胞核型受体对病原微生物的感知是先天免疫的中心环节。
- Combatants of innate immunity include NK cells (natural killer), macrophages, dendritic cells as well as other neutrophils. 例如,树突状细胞中有一种浆细胞样树突状细胞。
- The innate immune system seemed rather drab in comparison. 相较之下,先天免疫看起来就枯燥多了。
- For HBV, how does it subvert the innate immune response? 那么对于HBV而言,它是如何破坏天然免疫应答的?
- Only with full creativity of our thought and integration with the clinic characters,can we get evidences of innate immunity in the pathogenesis of psoriasis. 只有充分的发挥创造性思维,密切结合临床特征,才能从天然免疫中寻找银屑病发病的相关证据。
- Normal microbial flora takes part in the formation of skin barrier and innate immunity, and plays an important role in the aetiology of related mucocutaneous diseases. 微生物群落参与皮肤屏障及天然免疫形成,在皮肤黏膜相关疾病的病因学中,具有不容忽视的影响。
- The main purpose of this paper is to study the intermittence attacks of the vivax malaria in the common strength of the innate immunity and acquired immunity. 本文的主要目的是研究自然免疫和获得性免疫的共同作用对疟疾发作的影响。
- How does the adaptive immune system interact with the innate immune system? 适应性免疫系统如何与天然免疫系统互动?
- CONCLUSION.: Polymorphisms of innate immunity receptors, especially TLR4 mutation, were associated with higher risk of CM disease, while susceptibility to other infectious disorders was not obsered. 结论:天然免疫受体的多态性;特别是TLR4突变;与发生CM疾病的高危性相关;但并未观察到易感染其他感染性疾病.
- Innate immunity is not specific to any one pathogen but rather constitutes a first line of defense, which includes anatomic, physiologic, endocytic and phagocytic, and inflammatory barriers. 从进化上看,固有性免疫比特异性免疫出现的时间要早;固有性免疫具有识别和排斥的两个基本特性;固有性免疫也包括细胞免疫和体液免疫两种反应类型;
- The artificial expression of otherwise IFN-inducible DAI (DLM-1/ZBP1) in mouse fibroblasts selectively enhances the DNA-mediated induction of type I IFN and other genes involved in innate immunity. 人为地增加小鼠成纤维细胞的DAI表达量将提高IFN-1及其它参与先天免疫的基因表达。