- Nobody believes such nonsense in this day and age. 如今没人相信这种无稽之谈。
- I've never heard such nonsense in all my born days! 我一生中从未听到过这种胡言乱语。
- What the squire said is absolutely nonsense! 这个乡绅的话纯属一派胡言!
- What made the Roman Empire decay? 罗马帝国为何衰亡?
- Nonsense, you must have misheard. 瞎说,你准是听错了。
- It was sheer nonsense to trust them. 相信他们纯粹是胡闹。
- Old civilization may fall into decay. 古老的文化可能会渐渐衰落下去。
- Oh, go to hell! Don't talk such nonsense! 去你的吧!别这么胡说八道!
- The empty house has fallen into decay. 那座空房已成一片颓垣。
- He won't stand any nonsense from the staff. 他决不容忍员工胡作非为。
- The tree exhibited signs of decay. 那棵树显示腐蛀的迹象。
- Stop that nonsense, children, and get into bed! 别胡闹了,孩子们,都睡觉去!
- His mental decay is distressing. 他的智力衰退令人苦恼。
- The fool is talking stark nonsense. 这傻瓜完全是在胡扯。
- Growth and decay are vital processes. 生长和衰亡是生命过程。
- He's been talking dashed nonsense! 他简直是一派胡言!
- The dentist could detect no decay in her teeth. 牙医检查了她的牙,未见有龋齿。
- Don't let him fool you with nonsense like that. 别让他用那种胡说八道来愚弄你。
- Cavities in teeth are caused by decay. 牙齿的蛀洞是由蛀蚀造成的。
- She is forever chattering nonsense. 她老是喋喋不休地胡说八道。