- nonreversible laytime 不合并计算碇泊期限
- Modular check construction featuring nonreversible checks with captured springs for simplified servicing. 模块化止回阀结构特点在于不可逆止回,配置简化维修的复位弹簧。
- Nonreversible chemical reaction involving sulfur or other suitable agent wherein cross links are formed between molecular chains in rubber materials. 硫化是采用硫或者其它适当添加剂处理橡胶原料过程中发生的不可逆化学反应。此种反应在橡胶的分子链间形成横向连接,橡胶的弹性模量和强度会得到提高。
- As application field of cryptography, nonreversible algorithm and hardware encryption technique will also be the essential technology in future. 作为密码学的应用领域,不可逆算法以及硬件加密技术也将是今后必不可少的技术辅助。
- When allowable laytime has been exceeded, the ship shall remain on demurrage until completion of loading. 当合同内装运期已超出,则开始计算逾期费直至装运完毕。
- Ballasting/de-ballasting and/or any other event or action attributable to the vessel shall not count as laytime. (d)压舱/排放压舱水和/或其他由于船舶操作活动消耗的时间不计算在装卸货时间之内。
- Time lost for repairing stevedore damage is to count as laytime or time on demurrage. (h)由于修复操作工造成的损害消耗的时间计算在装卸货时间按或滞期时间之内。
- Despatch money; dispatch money The money payable by the owner if the ship completes loading or discharging before the laytime has expired. 速谴费船舶预定装卸货时间内完成装卸时,货主应付的奖金。
- Time lost due to waiting for berth available at Discharging Port , in case the laytime commences, shall be counted as the laytime. (c)在卸港由于等待泊位而损耗的时间,如果已开始起计装卸货时间,则计在装卸货时间之内。
- Time lost in connection with the first opening and last closing of vessel hatches shall not count as laytime unless the vessel is already on demurrage. 由开船舶第一个和关最后一个舱门而产生的时间,除非船舶已经滞期,否则不计算在装卸货时间之内。
- Laytime at Discharging Port shall commence 12 (twelve) hours upon tender of NOR.Laytime shall end immediately upon completion of discharging. (a)在卸港的装卸货时间在递交NOR12小时后开始,卸货结束时停止计算。
- Time lost due to breakdowns or stoppages of the discharging appliances / equipments, which prevents or delays the discharging operations is to count as laytime or time on demurrage. (i)由于卸货工具/设备故障或者中断工作妨碍或耽误卸货进行而损耗的时间计算在装卸货时间或滞期时间之内。
- HALF TIME USED TO COUNT (AS LAYTIME) 实际所使用时间的一半应计算(为作业时间)
- The laytime clauses in voyage charter parties 航次租船合同中的装卸时间条款
- Time Waiting for Berth to Count as Laytime 等待泊位损失时间应计为装卸时间
- Chinese Port Formality and Laytime Commencing to Run 中国港口口岸手续对于装卸时间起算的影响
- Notes on the "1980 Definitions of Laytime in Charter Party" 《1980年租船合同装卸时间定义》述评
- Laytime at loading port and discharge port is reversible。 而同事是基于NON REVERSIBLE给出的回复。
- and any time lost is to count as laytime or time on demurrage. 任何由于该原因造成的时间损失计算在装卸货时间或滞期时间之内。
- a nonreversible lung disease that is a combination of emphysema and chronic bronchitis; usually patients have been heavy cigarette smokers. 一种不可逆转的肺病,是肺气肿和慢性支气管炎的结合。