- nonlinear scattering process 非线性散射过程
- The Thomson scattering process ended, and the photons ceased interacting with matter so intensively, becoming the microwave background. 此时汤姆森散射程序结束,光子与物质的交互作用不再那麽强烈,因而形成微波背景。
- It was also found that antinodal electrons in underdoped LSCO experience some extra strong scattering process, which may be related to the Fermi surface topology. 并且发现欠掺杂LSCO反节点电子遭受到额外的强散射过程, 这可能与费米面的拓扑行为有关。
- Supposing that the damaged layer is mainly composed of high density dislocations, a relation between the FME linewidth anisotropy and the magnetostriction constants is deduced based on micromagnetism theory and the two-magnon scattering process. 若损伤层主要由位错组成,按微磁学理论和双磁振子散射模型可得到位错密度、磁致伸缩、磁化强度等与线宽的关系。
- Keywords colibacillus;resonance scattering;nonlinear scattering; 大肠杆菌;共振散射;非线性散射;
- For separating and identifying the structures originating from the different orders of the multiple scattering processes, the relevant quantity is the observability. 在分离和鉴别起源于多重散射过程中不同级序的结构时,相关参量是可观测性。
- This is due to the fact that the elastic interface waves may be strongly excited, coupling the surface-generated ambient into the seismic waves through scattering processes. 此乃由于海面噪音耦合弹性介质所导致之界面波在粗糙海床散射的结果。
- Study of the Nonlinear Scattering Equation for Au Nanoparticle in Solution 液相金纳米粒子非线性光散射方程的研究
- Small villages scatter at the foot of the mountain. 村庄零零落落地散布在山脚下。
- It is a leap in the process of cognition. 这是认识过程的一次飞跃。
- A product of a document copying process. 文件复制过程的一种产品。
- The farmers were scattering seed on the fields. 农夫把种子撒在田里。
- The new process extracts oil from shale. 这一新过程可从页岩里提炼出石油。
- A Study of the Nonlinear Scattering for Au Nanoparticles in Liquid and its Light Intensity Function 金纳米粒子的非线性共振散射及光强度函数研究
- When the tree falls, the monkeys scatter. 树倒猢狲散。
- The project is not finished but is till in process. 该项工程尚未结束,仍在进行之中。
- The process of applying and rubbing in an ointment. 涂油使用以及用油膏擦的过程
- The process described above is called scattering. 上述过程叫做散射。
- The act or process of pushing or thrusting out. 推,掷推出或掷出的行为或过程
- This part of the assembly process is now fully automated. 装配过程的这一部分现在是全自动的。